The internet has only ruined you if your first thoughts were how this is supposed to resemble loss.
I’m not alone, I see
I thought it was supposed to be goatse
It represents loss of innocence as it is a face in the ceiling double handing a big yellow cock into its mouth.
I just assumed it was loss. Is it not? The bars divide the image into 4 panels so it must be loss
All I see is Saddam
yeah you would know, glizzyguzzler
I think that’s a you problem, I don’t see whatever it’s supposed to be. It’s just a yellow metal post on a bus or train.
obviously it’s loss
I think you have a reading comprehension problem. The title says “the internet has ruined ME” “not the internet ruins us” it implicitly says it’s a them problem
spoiler for what I think op meant.
The two horizontal pipes form hands, the plate that the vertical pole goes into is a face and the screws are eyes.
Pinocchio grabbing his lying nose with both hands
“Rule 34” is a fine title, but you could’ve gone with “Two hand grip rule.”
Is it something more than Lego Bart Simpson and Bender having a kinky CAD flat 'n philips mixed screw?
And here I was thinking Lego with the “Everything is awesome!” tune in my head.
wilbur soot reference
“the internet has ruined me” is a song by wilbir soot (the minecraft/general youtuber that also makes music)
I totally forgot about that song (and Mr. Soot for that matter)
yeah he kind of went off the internet and everyone started hating him after his ex girlfriend did a livestream talking about him being abusive
he hasnt really done anything anymore since the incident