Mine would have to be League or Warframe tbh.

  • CrayonRosary@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Dead Cells. Great graphics, super tight gameplay, rouge-lite maps and weapons. Stupidly fucking hard at 2-boss cells. I hit that wall so hard I quit playing the game entirely even though there is a bunch of new DLC that would be fun to play with at 0 or 1 BC.

  • LazyForest@sh.itjust.works
    7 months ago

    I made this account just to say that i love EvE online but I hate how addicted I already am. within 2 weeks i’ve played over 150 hours already. I REALLY don’t want to play it like i played final fantasy 14 or warframe because playing games that much really burns me out really fast. So i’m trying my best to play EvE casually, which the skill system helps with to some degree but obviously i have 150 hours logged already despite this. I knew I should never have tried out EvE online. Now i can’t go back :(

      • LazyForest@sh.itjust.works
        7 months ago

        Joke’s on you my friend. I don’t have a job :) Also i use linux so i use libreoffice and not microsoft office.

        also i’ve never used microsoft edge (even when i used windows) so i don’t need to take it off my pc :) although i probably would now if i ever went back to windows.

    • crusa187@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      You really chose poorly for a “casual gaming” experience my friend. Good luck

    • AbsentBird@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      Came here to mention Eve. I love flying through space and assembling different ships, but it is such a time machine; it almost reminds me of getting into Civilization and feeling that ‘one more turn’ compulsion.

      I’m pretty anti-capitalist irl, but something about the game has got me satisfying market demands and working in a corporation for fun. It’s weird.

  • ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom.

    I love Zelda I always have. The first game I ever played was the original Zelda on the NES and I was hooked ever since. I’ve even played most of the games and really enjoyed all of them.

    But there’s one glaring issue that I have with botw/totk. The weapon/armor system. I hate games with weapon/armor degradation and Zelda’s system is even worse than normal.

    They went from weapons never breaking or taking damage at all, to shields taking damage but get the Hylian shield and it’s unbreakable, to every single weapon and shield breaks after a pathetic amount of uses.

    I would’ve even been fine with an Oblivion style degradation system where the weapon does less damage the more damaged it is but can be repaired with the right tool or by going to a blacksmith.

    It’s even worse when you notice that higher tier weapons break faster than lower tier ones, or that enemies can use weapons forever, yet the chosen fuckin hero only gets about 15 whacks before a solid piece of wood/metal just fuckin explodes.

    • Zeke@kbin.social
      7 months ago

      This is why I don’t get Zelda games anymore. I also am not a fan of the huge open world thing that makes most of your game time running from place to place so they don’t have to make much content.

    • gmtom@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Yep, I hate spending a decent chunk of time going somewhere to collect some good weapons, then like 2 encounters later half of them are broken.

      It MASSIVELY slows down the pacing of the game and makes it feel like such a slog.

    • CrayonRosary@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      I agree, it was not very fun. It would have been much more fun to just find one copy of the elemental swords, wands, and such, and just carry around as many as you could carry and use the ones that made sense for the current battle. Even better if there were slashing versus stabbing swords which were better for certain enemies. Stuff like that.

      I will say, though, even a few hours into the game it got to the point where I had too many weapons, and I very rarely ran out. Every enemy drops some. And it turns out, I didn’t really mind fighting Lynels or “Major Test of Strength” guardians to get their goods weapons once every blood moon. I enjoyed how those fights were difficult and technical.

      Even just adding a repair mechanic would have been great. It also would have made a lot more sense lore-wise if BotW had the “everything made of metal is degrading from a curse” that TotK had. It made sense in TotK that weapons were fragile, but not in BotW.

      All in all, it was a top-design choice. They didn’t want you to find one Royal Guard weapon an hour into the game and faceroll everything all game. That’s one of the downsides of even having a “this sword does more damage than other swords” type weapon system. How do you even explain that lore-wise? If a sword is magical, sure, but some “Royal Guard” sword isn’t automatically better than an ordinary sword of the same size, shape and also made of steel.

      I broke Skyrim for myself on my first playthrough because I did dual wielding, smithing, and enchanting, maxed both of those out, and made the most insane double-enchanted dragon bone(?) swords before I finished even 1/10 of the plot. When the first dragon attack happened, I chopped it up in like 5 seconds. I was so insanely overpowered. That never happens in BotW. Even with the best weapons in the game, fighting a Silver Lynel is work!

  • GraniteM@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Horizon Forbidden West

    The core gameplay of shooting robots with arrows and spears while exploring a huge and beautiful post-post-apocalyptic world with your trusty grappling hook and hang glider is really fucking great.

    The never ending scrounging for materials, especially when those materials have to be ground out of %chance drops from huge monsters that don’t appear frequently enough for the % to trigger without running in circles is not so great.

    The plot being firmly on the rails while trying to pretend that you’re making choices sometimes, is pretty fucking obnoxious. If they just stopped pretending that my choices matter and made the way the story unfolded more linear, it would be a lot less infuriating.

    The character face animations and the pace of the editing during conversations is TERRIBLE. It’s not so bad when everyone is fairly stoic, but every time someone has a big smile it looks like the “Is this better?” moment from Men In Black. And virtually every conversation is punctuated with a bizarre pause where it’s obvious that the game is transitioning from conversation mode to gameplay mode, but they couldn’t be bothered to trim that added ¾ of a second so there’s this super unnatural pause where the character model goes back to neutral while the camera is right on them.

    Oh, and also there’s a handful of weapons that work with any reliability, and then there are several that are worse than useless and get me killed every time I try to use them. I justify these in my mind by pretending they are the in-universe equivalent of mall ninja shit that someone thought would look cool but would never actually be used.

  • pig_master@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    For the longest time it was Overwatch. I couldn’t stop playing and I always left more pissed than I started. Thankfully OW2 made it so I can hate it and not play in peace.

  • mods_are_assholes@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Yu Gi Oh. Most of the love is nostalgia.

    Nowadays every card has like 4 paragraphs of abilities with obscure rulings that while not errata’d on the card, are expected to be understood by every player, which themselves amount to LITERALLY 15 pages for the current Master Duel version.

    Not to mention that over they years they have added mechanic after mechanic that exists for the pure purpose of forcing everyone to rebuy a deck every time a new mechanic is added.

    It’s gotten so bad that not even KONAMI knows what’s going on and constantly releases gamebreaking cards that get nerfed or removed later because they can’t keep track of every possible interaction EVEN WHEN using massive automatic parallel testing.

    • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Yeah. You ought to try Magic. We’ve had tons of time to practice the old everything-is-complicated-and-fucked dance; we’ve been doing it since 1993.

      The one “saving” grace you can consider (except to your wallet) is that official competitive play allows cards from sets only up to a certain age from the present, with the most restrictive being “standard” which at the time of writing doesn’t allow any cards older than a set released in 2021. It’s not even that the metagame makes old decks nonviable – you’re literally forced to buy new cards when expansions come out if you even want to be allowed at the table.

      “Modern” is a little less restrictive with the time span, but still restricted. Because otherwise, there would be no way to contain the pileup of legacy unstoppable strategies and broken combos, plus the combinatorial explosion of interactions between old mechanics and the seemingly mandatory 2-3 new ones added per expansion set.

      So casual players (myself included) just play with whatever damn fool old cards we have with a gentleman’s agreement not to be assholes with the game-breaking combos because fuck it, crack is cheaper.

  • yuriy@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    My laptop is currently eating shit, so right now it’s this mobile game called Solitairica. It’s just a solitaire roguelike, but the shuffling is truely random. Sometimes you go into a fight and the enemy just does their highest damage attack 4 times in a row and you literally can’t win without incredible luck.

  • Dvixen@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Eve online, although it’s more of a love the game, hatee the community/players kinda deal.

  • GCanuck@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Satisfactory. I love this game. I hate the fact that it chews up so much game time. This blows CIV games out of the water for the “one more turn” effect for me.

    But I was cruising the other place one day, and saw a user with the flair “it’s not a game, it’s a hobby”. And that changed a lot of my attitude towards this game. Now I treat it like an overly complex model train builder.

    • Tlaloc_Temporal@lemmy.ca
      7 months ago

      My biggest issue was how needlessly complicated it was making anything look halfway decent, particularly with tracks. Just getting the tracks to not float over platforms takes hours, then trying to get the platforms to sit on the terrain nicely takes more, and no matter how nicely that turns out, it looks like the game forgets to render plants wherever you build anything… All to pump ever more complex crap into a trash compactor while the cool space elevator stands dormant.

      Ugh, it’s such a cool idea, but every action feels like a mistake, and every project feels like a waste. I wish I loved this game.

      Oh, and I almost forgot the hilarious amount of waste nuclear power makes, while coal and oil are infinitely renewable and objectively the cleanest forms of energy. Feels like oil & gas propaganda.