Sums up Disco Elysium.
Or Persona
Never played a Persona game, which would you recommend on Steam for a first time player?
Persona 5 (with or without Royal) is the newest one, with all the streamlining and quality of life improvements - it’s a solid first choice regardless of your JRPG experience.
Persona 3 Portable and 4 Golden are older and lack some of the newer features, might be a bit more tedious, depending on how strongly you feel about modern streamlining. Otherwise, both hold up really well.
Persona 3 Reload is P3 but with (some?) improvements from P5R and should feel relatively familiar to that from the gameplay perspective.
There are also older games (but they might be a rough introduction depending on how dependent you are on modern gameplay sensibilities) and spin-offs (which are better choice after you have some familiarity with the franchise, in my opinion).
TLDR: If you want a shiny and polished game to start go with P5R then choose whichever other game strikes your fancy. All games have their own themes and atmosphere so there’s something for everyone.
@[email protected] if you have not seen this reply already
I’d like to know too
While those games are very heavy on the text there’s usually still a pretty strong visual element.
Different content, but assassin’s creed 2 crammed so many history lessons into their side quests. I loved that so much 💖
sounds like Planescape Torment
I don’t “play” visual novels expecting gameplay, much like how I don’t play games for the story. Though there are times where I am surprised by actual gameplay in a VN or when a game that’s already fun to play also has an amazing story.
I mostly treat them as Choose Your Own Adventure books, but digital, and with more pictures.
Main reason I can’t stand the modern pokemon games. Sooo much dialogue…