Are you a beginner, or are you considering if you should start a journal? Are you more experienced? Feel free to ask all your questions here, to share tips, tricks, pictures of your journal, anecdotes. Anything related to keeping a journal is welcome in this weekly thread.
Why weekly?
We have a steadily growing community and we’re now 418 members! But we don’t have that much active members (which is fine, don’t get me wrong). My idea with the weekly thread is to encourage people to participate and to hopefully give it more visibility. It also makes it simpler for lazy-me to regularly publish new content ;)
If it needs to be said, you don’t have to post your questions, discussions in this weekly thread. Not at all. You also don’t have to talk about this week’s theme. It’s just a trigger or an invitation you can completely ignore. I would even encourage you to talk about anything else, as well as to start your own threads.
This week theme
Do you journal about all the shit happening in the world, far or nearby, or is your journal more intimate?
My daily handwriting practise usually consists of going through the alphabet with random words, e.g. “Aphid agony. Barber beef. Crash calamity.”
I often use this to put the news cycle on paper so it’s out of my head. It can get fun to think of phrases that fit the pattern, though I’m probably never going to beat “Kremlinoid kakistocrats.”
I like that. A lot :)
I do not write much if at all about the world and the news. My journal is about what’s going on in my life, near me and in my head not that much further. Or maybe, it was about that?
With the recent events, the last one being the shift in EU-US relationship, I’ve noticed I was writing more about that kind of events and about global news. My humble attempt to try to understand stuff better and to get my head out of the incompetent shit show most news outlets have turned into, when it’s not pure dishonesty and obvious lies.
It’s still a very timid attempt of opening my journal to the world, by anyone’s standards, and it’s not really enough to seriously help me understand anything that much better. But it’s still a deep change. No idea if it’s something I’ll keep on doing but for the time being, it’s there.
What about you? Have you noticed a recent change in what your journal about? After some specific event? Or have you always tried to keep on with the world fast paced news flow?