we have ~50-50% smaller spoons and bigger spoons. I only use the smaller spoons and nobody else cares enough to have an opinion about them
That looks like one of the spoons I may or may not have taken from the college cafeteria.
I only have good spoons. ✨
Oh I have very good, and very specific reasons for hating that spoon
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Or those skinny forks. Give me a real fork, dammit.
The amount of times I have to go back to fetch a new fork just because the one someone else brought for me is “wrong” somehow.
It has been bent so many times that the shaft isn’t a smooth curve anymore.
I hate that one.
Sounds like a review on Grinder
Dude, fuck that spoon
I hate that spoon too
Happy to see i’m not the only one with this issue.
“I guess I’ll just use a fork and accept that it’s going to be inefficient and leaky”
Well, I can’t use it because it’s mismatched but I also can’t throw away a perfectly good spoon.
Gift it ! That’s what I’ve done with all the silverware I didn’t like !
“Mah spoon is toooo big!”
looks at a normal sized spoon at a restaurant
What on Earth are they thinking? Do they seriously expect me to use this big ass spoon?
I relate every time, then look and see where I’m at.
I also pull out every fork until I find my favorite one. It’s the one that’s bent juuuuust right.
It doesn’t match
I’ve gifted all the non-conforming silverware I had to other people. The only kind I have 0 issues with is IKEA’s ätbart : entirely made of stainless steel, no weird shapes, pleasing motifs on the handles. I have 2 boxes worth so far, possibly going to double that again to make sure I never run out before I die.
The worst a spoon can do in my eyes is be too circular ; I need a pointed shape so I can actually dig in !
The worst kind of silverware is those knives with only a tiny weird blade at the end, looking like a moon crescent. Yuck ! Give me a nice straight bar of a knife with teeth all along the blade, so I can properly push and cut 😅