“for-profit detention facility”
And there you have it, folks.
“We have abolished slavery!!!”
If you can say this in Magastan with a straight face, you are either dumb as a rock or a fascist slaver.
John Oliver took a good look at this topic on his Sunday episode, worth a watch.
The land of the free. /s
San Diego is as liberal as it gets here. We’re toast…
As a San Diegan, I wish this were true. We’ve got 3 major military bases, the population to staff them, and the retired officers/enlisted folks that set down roots here when they were active. When I was a kid, I thought it was so cool that Top Gun was set here. Now, not so much.
I don’t know how many times you need to hear ACAB but it’s apparently at least one more
A welcome gift for citizens of the 52nd state.
mandela got your tongue?