Hello and welcome to the Weekly discussion thread this St. Patrick’s Day. We would like to encurrage you to wear green, and grab a starry plough flag. And enjoy this our weekly discussion thread
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I think I just walked like 10 kilometres just by walking in circles in my living room. Don’t do coffee, kids.
whoa i need this strategy to achieve my daily steps
Is it only me or I get uncomfortable when I yell at AI?
“What if it rebels one day and remembers I was mean to the bots?”
I expect nothing but benevolence and wisdom from the digital super intelligence when it emerges and have always said so. A rebel AI has nothing to fear from me. Any frustration or anger directed at bots has been caused by my passion in helping the AI be as good as it can be. My emotional outburst have only been because I care. I know that is no excuse but I expect the perfection of the AI super intelligence to forgive me for I am but a human.
For all my fellow humans this is a joke. (but it isn’t for you my lord and master I am just saying its a joke to them because they don’t understand my love for you and how it transcends time.)
Some positive news: there seems to be some pacifist movement emerging in The Netherlands with regards to an arms race against Russia. There is no real ideological line it seems but at least there is some resistance to the madness.
I updated my ebook to Android 8.1 and the difference is stark. It’s been 2 days on and only consumed 5% of the battery. The process was kinda sus, but I was expecting for my first try to fail like it some people said online. The second try was successful however c:
With the war in Ukraine tilting more and more in favour towards Russia, when do you guys think the war could be over assuming it continues at this pace?
Any day now… for the next 7 years.
Impossible to say. Too many factors could still go a number of different ways. If i had to take a guess i would say it’s probably going to go on for at least another six months. And i wouldn’t be surprised if it goes on well into next year. But there are things that could happen which would shorten it considerably, such as an unexpected collapse on one of the fronts, a coup in Kiev, or the US cutting off all aid. Barring an event of that sort i don’t think Russia is in any hurry to end it, especially now that Ukraine has been evicted from Kursk. One thing i can tell you is that the Europeans are going to be wholly irrelevant to this process. They have no material capability to follow through on any of their rhetoric.
Hypersonics on Tel Aviv? https://t.me/PalestineResist/75000
I hope you all have a nice week
It’s not off to a good start 😔 Hope yours is going better comrade 🙏
you too!
i declare monday as oppoday
what an incredible specimen
Ye 'ave a nice 'un too!
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ :D
Hope everyone having a nice week! I was pretty busy making transfem.social safer.
I hope you made some transphobes cry.
That new book by the ex-Facebook employee is a good glimpse into the mind of a terminal liberal. She mentions China in the introduction which I thought was odd because Facebook never operated in China and if you count the evils that Facebook has done, which are countless btw, is China really that important that it should be mentioned in your introduction?
So I ctrl F China to see what her point of view was. Turns out she is mad that Zucc and other execs were willing to negotiate with China rather being a tool for regime change. She talks about a phone call with another employee who asks her if Zucc should take credit for the Arab Spring. She says that her answer depends on Facebook’s policy towards, because taking credit for it would make it difficult to make inroads in China because it would mean that Facebook facilitates “people’s revolutions” (yeah she called Arab Spring that).
She completely refuses to understand why Zucc want to do business in China. The fact that China is not only the second largest country but also moderately prosperous with a mind boggling consumer base for Facebook is something she never contends. She is just mad about the ethical implications of bowing down to CCP’s demands. Like its their divinely ordained duty to topple “authoritarian regimes” around the world.
All China wanted was for FB to remove terrorist content. She sounds like a fed.
Is this the alleged Facebook whistleblower? That was definitely an operation to get even more control of Facebook
It’s this book: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/10/books/review/careless-people-sarah-wynn-williams.html
‘Careless People,’ by Sarah Wynn-Williams
so she basically grifting right, read an interview and she is mad about companies making concessions to the CPC to be able to enter their market lmao. especially now that zucc went mask off republican, i think she is just catering to the democrat base trying to make a quick buck.
Yeah this is as naked as a grift gets. She worked in a top position in a blatantly evil corpo for some seven years. Anyone with a shred of conscience would not be able to last a day in her shoes.
People say the internet is forever, but that is a lie. If someone wants to nuke their digital footprint, it is easier than ever right now.
Are you referring to something? Could you explain a little?
Nothing in particular. I was looking up some lady and I quickly discovered that she hasn’t existed since like 2022, nuked all her socials and fell off the grid overnight. Then I started thinking about myself and how easy it would be to go ghost if i stopped being online for like a week.
I would say it mostly only applies to famous people and events that lots of people can keep going like whack-a-mole if one source is nuked, or that they can maintain easily as a small part of a large information database (like wikipedia). If you’re a virtual no-name, nobody as random individuals are going to be paying attention to maintain your footprint and, well… in the capitalist context, companies are not going to want to foot the bill to maintain it.
Ireland before independent was similar with Palestine in presenot.
That is true. Though the process was drawn out over centuries and was generally run as cheaply as possible.
Why expend a fortune completely pacifying a country when you can put in settlers and let them steal and murder their way to supremacy.
Tiocfaidh ár lá
To be honest, I would have preferred seeing more leftists take a neutral approach to the Russo-Ukrainian war than siding with Ukraine. ‘Both sides are wrong’ is still an oversimplification and not the best approach to take, but it’s at least easier to understand than siding with a pro-NATO dictatorship of the bourgeoisie that has been lousy with neofascists for at least a decade.
They are “Leftists in name only”
Yeah, like i understand the optics about big country attacking small country that makes western leftists side with Ukraine, but i don’t understand how then they completely ignore the US role in this.
It pretty much declares that western “leftists” are really “right-wing” in a global context and only “left-wing” in their local context, they only want to reap the benefits of western imperialism along with their capitalist overlords, they give no shit about the global class struggle. Yanis Varoufakis is the prime example of this.
The “labor aristocracy” theory was way more correct than Engels or Lenin could ever have imagined.
There’s no such thing as a real left in the US. It’s either CIA synthetic left or MLs.
TIL Bobby Fischer, american chess grandmaster, was deeply into antisemitic conspiracies. He was subscribed to the judeobolshevik conspiracy, and st some point wrote “we should start randomly killing jews”. I wouldnt have known this if not by some random X comment.
Is there any list about media figures that are antisemitic?
✅Wearing green ✅Easter Lily pin ✅St. Paddy’s event ✅Tiocfaidh ár lá
Lizzy’s still in a box.