I bought a Steam Deck ostensibly to help me get through my backlog. What happened was that I bought more games specifically to play on it.
It shows the amount of faith people have in the platform. You’re spending money on something that requires steam to continue to exist (as well as your user account), or else the purchase was wasted.
I wouldn’t advance-buy a game I wasn’t sure I’d play soon on a Google or Microsoft platform. I’d lose the ability to play the take within a year!
Oh, and also I guess it speaks to the quality of the discounts available on steam.
Dynamic filter mark games not yet played I call mine wall of shame
I really only buy video games from indie devs.
If I never play a game by an indie dev that I bought, oh noooo what a catastrophe I gave an indie artist money without confirming they deserved it!
Nothing fucks you harder than time. -Ser Davos
And that’s okay. It’s also not a “pile of shame”. If you’re in the mood to play something and then aren’t, that’s fine. Games are supposed to be fun. Don’t treat it as an obligation. Not every fucking choice in your life needs to be financially efficient.
Hopefully I’ll get to those games after finishing these games and before I get new games.
But new game comes out Friday and looks a lot more fun then those games and is launching with a Day 1 sale
I started to only buy games that run natively on my Mac. This has helped on cutting down this number a lot.
Sometimes during a sale, I’ll ask myself: if I never get around to playing this 4.99 Indy game, will I still be glad to have given the dev some money to have made such a game? The answer is often yes.
Humble bundle made me do it!
Most of my unplayed games have at least funded wikipedia or some charity.
I heard America is for sale?
You’ll have to buy us from Putin first.
Spending real life money on a game you don’t actually own that you will never play is fucking genius ngl
I feel attacked
I bought rdr2 and had trouble with the constant horse riding so I put a pin in it until later… Much later
Probably 3/4 of my stream library are games that remain unplayed, and that I purchased with no intention to ever play.
…but that $5 was WELL worth the one game in the bundle that I actually cared about.
Sometimes the bundle is even less expensive than just getting the one game, specially if you already own part of the bundle