I would call it neither nonviolent nor anarchist. The protests were partially funded & organized by the US spook-industrial complex, including USAID, and NATO bombed the city of Belgrade and other civilian targets for 78 straight days, a war crime. The International Center on Nonviolent Conflict is a US security state
regime changecolor revolution cut-out.- WaPo, 2000: U.S. Advice Guided Milosevic Opposition
- Noam Chomsky, 2006: On the NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia
This is some great feedback. I got a hunch something was off about this video, but I posted it anyway. At least now I learned something.
None of this is to defend of Milošević’s corruption, neoliberal “reforms,” or other very real crimes, but Western propaganda has lain more blame on the Serbs than is warranted while whitewashing its own crimes.
Michael Parenti » To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia
Sure, I think the Chomsky article you cited clears things up.