As the election campaign kicks off, The Logic’s purpose remains the same: To facilitate the hard conversations we need to have as a country through rigorous, fact-based, independent journalism. Fundamentally, that means our job is to publish the truth, as best we can.
Conservatives aren’t gonna like that…
Good luck Canada. My name is also Pierre, but fuck Pierre!
We just call him pp.
My second name also starts with p and bullies used to call me that back in school.
So I don’t find this funny even tho it objectively kinda is, lol. Hope you understand. 😅
Also my last name starts with an S so sometimes it wasn’t just peepee, sometimes it was peepeeass. You’re allowed to laugh tho.
There’s really only 1 logical voice of reason here, and he doesn’t currently have a slogan of “bootlickers, not suits”