Relevant XKCD :
Remember? I still got one.
You need to use it more until it’s just a stub
They still do
My work laptop has one, but it’s pretty much always closed and connected to a dock so I never use it.
Edit: And there’s always a relevant XKCD.
Already knew which xkcd it was going to be and wasn’t disappointed after clicking
And like a clit I can’t work those other.
I like that they’re there, but I find them all but unusable. Sensitivity on them is wild, plus large hands. Sometimes finger rolls off and presses keys around it.
i swear to god they used to work better. modern ones either send your cursor flying off the screen with a gentle nudge, or they barely move at all. it used to be people would hold onto the nipple nubs for extended times because they preferred the precision of them over touchpads. as touchpads have gotten better, nipple nubs have gotten worse. i’d probably point to 2015 when things all went wrong. i don’t know if the manufatcurers switched to a new sensor because it was cheaper or if the software / firmware / drivers that make touchpads good also make nipple nubs horrible
100% they enshittified.
The shape is one of the give aways - dome-shaped nipple with that sand-paper texture. The new ones are concave and textured via cast or something, but don’t have that sand-paper feel. Along with that change, I suspect you’re right in that the sensor went to hell with em, cuz the new ones SUCK.
sounds like HP. their version is awful.
The only thing mine does is leave smudges on the screen.
I loved mine, but it does take more fine motor movements than a typical mouse
They’re one of the greatest things to ever come out of IBM.
They still do, wtf are you talking about.
Both of my work laptops got one (they replace older models every few years, but it’s all ThinkPads)
The Clicktoris.
Give me that anytime over a laptops usual scratch’n’sniff pad. Because whenever I type on the keyboard, I trigger this thing from afar, sending the cursor everywhere. Somehow, those things react to me remotely.
My 2 years old laptop still has, and touchpad disabled.
That was significantly better than a touchpad
Lenovo gang, if the X series ever gets rid of it I’m not sure I’ll survive
Mine has both and I use them both regularly.