Reminder that there are multiple road closures and bus changes around the city. Look them up before you travel.
And good luck to anyone participating.
Was a great ride, amazing event. Was a sell out too, perfect day for it.
I hope everyone on the ride had fun, cause I got to hear so many whinges about the road closures causing people dramas over the weekend heh. Didnt affect me none, but I wasnt going anywhere important anyway so wouldn’t have minded a detour. The people complaining were people who work weekends and they weren’t super chuffed about their 1.5 hour commutes.
Really highlights just how shit car dependency is, hey?
Or, less favourably towards the specific individuals involved, to quote Chris Cox on Facebook: “Poor planning leads to poor performance. If avid motorists can’t plan their trips, that’s their problem”
If you can’t use a bike event as an excuse for being late to work then you should just murder your boss and eat his flesh because that’s all he could possibly be good for. I’ve had three jobs where I could top up late minutes with vacation (or other off time situationally) and it kept the paycheck consistent without making a noticeable difference on my actual vacation for the few years I didn’t just get it paid out anyway.