@rottenwheel XMR is the only fair-valued crypto. This is because it is the only one being actively used as currency, not as a Beanie Baby speculative scheme
1 XMR = 1 XMR,
’Tis a universal constant,
For privacy is an immutable human right.
A fiat is volatile with respect to thee,
For their economy is unfair and corrupt.O Monero, Monero! wherefore art thou Monero? Thou art thyself, though thou art Money also!
What’s in a name? That which we call Monero by any other name would smell as sweet, ’cept with Bitcoin we ne’er confuse thee.
What’s a Fiat? Exploitation, oppression, regulation, invasion, limitation, and a lie, issued by the government, whose debt totals fifty trillion, such a large number of lies! “Trust our fiat, ’tis stable and safe,” says the state, near-bankrupt!