Also anyone living above sea level would have severely undercooked eggs. I live almost a mile up and pasta takes two minutes longer to cook so i assume eggs do too.
Yes! Very good point. I used to use an app for my location, which would adjust the timing based on my elevation from sea level - even though it’s not much where I am, the adjustments certainly made a difference!
I would link it but it is now riddled with ads, and has a generic name of ‘egg timer’ ._.
Also anyone living above sea level would have severely undercooked eggs. I live almost a mile up and pasta takes two minutes longer to cook so i assume eggs do too.
Pretty sure most people are above sea level. But I’m no sea doctor.
Most of humanity lives on the coastlines. So technically yes. In any functional manner, no.
Yes! Very good point. I used to use an app for my location, which would adjust the timing based on my elevation from sea level - even though it’s not much where I am, the adjustments certainly made a difference!
I would link it but it is now riddled with ads, and has a generic name of ‘egg timer’ ._.