Welcome one and all to NOT ONLY our tradition of this group the Weekly Discussion thread, but our even more shiny and rare tradition, the count down to Triunfo de la Revolución, there are 4 more weeks until Triunfo de la Revolución. If you would please help us get some of the decorations out of the attic.
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It’s absolutely maddening watch all these people who praised terrorists roaming through Syria now be absolutely silent as there’s reports of Israel invading Quneitra (beyond the current Golan borders). The Bots and propaganda were absolutely kicked into overdrive on this one. God Damn it’s gonna be a long night.
Not only that but in the near future those same bots will mix the terrorists actions with all of muslim refugees categorizing as dangerous. Basically, a new wave of islamophobia and racism will appear in Europe and the US. Then, this will be used to neuter every single Palestinian solidarity group in all of those countries.
I fucking hate this. I really hope the US, Israel and Europe collapse just as fast as how they did to Syria today. Their day will come and the ghouls will finally pay for their crimes.
especially the news in my country calling assad “the terrorist” while almost never mentioning his name, a romanian news channel just showed the clip of the plane leaving syria and basically nothing else other than a title that was like “THE TERRORIST’S PLANE HAS LEFT THE RADAR”, sensationalism of course
Imagine getting killed in broad daylight for God knows what reason and people are like: ‘yeah makes sense’ lmao
Never felt like there was hope for the u.s till now, I hope our comrades over there can tap into the dissatisfaction
I was telling my friend earlier about how I hope this guy is laying low working at a cinnabon in nebraska or something bc US law enforcement is no doubt working overtime to find and make an example of him. The powers that be seem pretty butthurt that the vast majority of people are just laughing about it lol
cinnabon in nebraska
Also funny how no one helped the guy even tho the shooter jammed every shot
I hope you all have a nice week :D
Top of the week to ye! :D
So dangerous! XD
Thank you Oppo, You Too
Greetings from the worst place in the world, an airport. Hope your week is going well!
I’m currently in Paris Fr*nce. Omw to find that cat soon though!
you as well, comrade oppo ^^
You too Oppo 😁
فلسطين ! 🇵🇸
No, you!
Kitty! :3
Did you hold your thumbs in the places you were supposed to?
Yes, of course
Do you have a Vampire Bat per chance?
I hope Oppo’s pictures will have a nice week! Everyone forgets about their feelings.
A nice week to you too, Oppo.
Help I think I joined the Matrix server but I’m not sure, I don’t see any rooms or anything???
you may have created an account; if so, follow the steps listed here
Is there anything abnormal about the fact that I want to take a dump in Netanyahu’s skull?
Same energy
Nah it makes you normal
I feel a bit done with people and would like to tell most people I see at work or in the streets to just fuck off but that would be weird
Anyway I went bird watching yesterday and while I was staring at some tall grass through my binoculars two deer came walking out of it, into the lake. It was a beautiful moment.
I getcha
Ate an extremely large gyro late last night and suffering the consequences of it today
I can’t believe the month long session of Christmas music is about to start.
Started in late September for me.
Bruh they even started doing it before Halloween
It started last month for me
Here in the Netherlands it only kicks off after Sinterklaas (Dutch holiday) because only then we can start getting in the christmas spirit
the sci fi thai serie in netflix is kinda good
Twitter has officially turned on the narrative about the shooter. Me thinks Elon wants to boost accounts condemning the act.
Good ol class solidarity from them
I happen to like Skeleton Crew.
Runs away.
This week has just been wild.
Now that I work in some government related field I seem to have developed a new fear for the government.
If everything goes right then you probably shouldn’t worry too much but forget one little thing or make a small mistake for whatever reason and you can be fucked with sanctions, fines or other forms of punishment. I have seen cases in which the government approves something only to come back on it a year later. People have to pay back thousands of euro’s then, effectively ruining their lives for years to come. And all the government says is ‘tough luck’.
Like, you can forget a single cross somewhere on a form with a thousand crosses and all of a sudden you are seen as a hardcore criminal and nobody will listen to your explanation.