• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I want to learn more about the LGBT community and since I’m a cis white guy living in a post soviet country, who grew up in a conservative family, I know jack shit.

    So I want to ask this question, is it okay for minors to have an opportunity to make surgeries on themselves? Like, we have age gaps for a reason, is there something that I’m missing here? Should there not be any regulations regarding this?

    Like, minors are notoriously not great at making decisions or being reasonable, I wouldn’t trust myself doing something this big, that’s for sure.

  • His response is interesting.

    It also leads to racial hatred and division and doesn’t actually address the issues. It’s like Nazis saying that black people commit so much crime because of biology. It’s false, leads needlessly to hate, and nothing gets done.

    He basically created a straw man because I rarely/ever see “woke” media that is genially racist towards white people. But then he’s trying to compare “white struggle” in the MEDIA to a real life struggle of black people, which is really fucked up. And what’s funny, he’s saying that “Nazis” say that, when people that are generally on the right are keen to be racist and make those claims, but he doesn’t want to associate with them, to not seem like he is battling one racism with the other, so he says that exclusively Nazis say this shit.

  • To be honest, my claim was a bit hyperbolic, because essentially Cyberpunk as a genre is anti-capitalist, just CDPR doesn’t really want it to be.

    It boils down to how you want to view this game and art in general, with the original intent of developers or without it, making assumptions based on the contents of the story. And I rarely can choose the latter.

    The whole game tries to tell you that corporations are the main (and only) issue, Johnny Silverhand literally says: “I’ve declared war not because capitalism’s thorn in my side…”, implying that it’s not capitalism that he has problems with, but Corpos who: “Have long controlled our lives…”

    But I don’t view anti-corporatism as a synonym to anti-capitalism, and neither does CDPR. That’s why they chose to paint a Marxist ideology as complete nonsense of some ai bot fortune teller (I’m talking about Bartmoss collective) and that’s why there’s not a word from Johnny criticising the system that let corporations become as powerful as they are today.

  • I really hated the fact that there was no option to actually oppose those “people” from the government in a meaningful way, not just help another character.

    What the fuck, we have an actual terrorist in our head that would lovely kill every single one of these fuckers if he had the chance, but we CAN’T??? And when we actually abandon them, it’s a mission fail and the whole DLC is inaccessible… Great

    Fallout New Vegas lets you kill anyone you meet and story ACCOUNTS FOR IT. But in 2023 there’s not even a hint of that in a game that calls itself RPG.

    CDPR really doesn’t want you killing bastards who actually are responsible for the horrible fucking state, not only of NC, but the entire country. Not even a hint of responsibility from their end, it’s just corporations.