• MufinMcFlufin@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    If you compare it to Nintendo’s handheld line then it makes a lot more sense, especially considering the Switch Lite, and OLED Switch.

    Gameboy, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Light, Gameboy Color

    Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Advance Micro

    DS, DS Lite, DSi/XL

    3DS/XL, 2DS, N3DS/XL, N2DS/XL

    and now the Switch, Switch Lite, OLED Switch, and now the incremental hardware upgrade with the Switch 2

    The Gameboy color, arguably the whole Advance line, DSi, arguably the whole 3DS line, and absolutely the N3DS/N2DS ones were definitely incremental upgrades.

    Color obviously brought color and better hardware. Advance brought shoulder buttons and better hardware though no hardware changes within the advance line. DSi introduced the home screen and the online store to the DS line along with better hardware. 3DS brought better hardware and many advancements to the OS experience of the DSi. N3DS brought better hardware and a second joystick.

    To me how Nintendo is treating the Switch 2 makes a lot more sense in comparison to the handheld consoles instead of home consoles.