My doc just added it to me regumine, and I think a little after that I began smelling what I thought was a neighbor smoking. But its been mostly consisent no matter where I am … Does anyone else experience something similar?

    2 months ago

    A smell like cigarette smoking?

    The folks I’ve known on Progesterone, they tended to smell things like baked goods. Honestly they smelled like baked goods. Something akin to sugar cookies, maybe with hints of vanilla and butter.

    I know that some people report a more musky smell, again usually coming from themselves, and that’s caused by fluctuations after starting progesterone, and levels out after a dose or three.

    There’s also some reports from menopausal women that take it where their sense of smell gets heightened.

    I don’t know if that helps or not, but other than the smell you’re noticing being unusual for what I’ve noticed in person, or read about, it is a fairly common occurrence. Enough so that I’ve looked into it for fridges friends, and saw the stuff about menopausal women, and some talk about testosterone spiking for a bit after starting progesterone.

    It’s not first person experience though, so I dunno if that’s useful to you or not.