I’ve had a lot of bad experiences with online groups, but in 2020 I found a group that was so serious about having committed members that I had to go through an interview process to get in. It was definitely intimidating but we’re all still playing weekly to this day, so it seemed to have worked!
I do not appreciate these pictures from our last in person session being leaked
NGL this party would probably be unhinged and amazing.
If you think roll20 is bad imagine being friends with 4 guys because they are the only other people who like playing that you know of. Dear god the smell… Kids today don’t know how good they have it.
you think thats bad you should see what its like to decide to go in with four friends on an apartment and one of them you have only seen at d&d sessions and foolishly never saw his dorm room.
Yeah i tried like 5 groups a few years ago and it was wild. What bothered me the most is they don’t even want to play against the campaign, they play against the dm. Crazy exploit builds and always trying to trick the dm.
Never again
I had the other side of the coin as well at conventions. DMs trying to play against the players instead of playing with them.
Super annoying and exhausting
Two wolves: my blood boils at the thought of running a game for them / I would still do it
Me but with VtM20.
Would (play the straight man in the chaos troupe)
You see #4 there, do ya? He was our straight man, not all that long ago. #3.5 broke him like a bad back.
A halfling fighter, a gnome druid, a teifling warlock, and a human barbarian is a decent party though
Cool, Daniel Radcliff is there.
Wtf is happening in bottom left?
looks like a normal weekend. why do you ask?