I don’t know how people suffer streamers.
Eh, the videos on his channel cut out the fluff and are information dense enough
Livestreams aren’t meant to be main monitor content
Idk this dude is alright. Really helps push brainwormed people a bit to the left in my experience
My problem isn’t with Hasanabi but with streaming as a medium. Just hours & hours of sparse-ass actual content.
So basically any broadcast tv? Its all the same shit
I haven’t watched broadcast TV in decades so 🤷 I remember CNN being pretty much the same, though, just with higher production values.
So what you just dont like broadcast media?
Can we not start being extremely negative towards whole groups of people?
If you don’t like HasanAbi that’s fine but that doesn’t mean all streamers are insufferable across the board.
He’s on point. Probably gets a ton of flak etc from libs because of that fact
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