Basically title. I waited on installing F droid for a long time because my phone threw many scary warnings when I tried a long time ago. But now I have it, and I got some fossify apps, but since there is no “Editor’s Picks” on F- droid I dont really know where to go from here.
What apps do you recommend I install first to remove my dependence on closed ecosystems?
What is my vulnerability surface ie, which sort of apps should I watch out for?
Are there any bad faith companies in the open source sphere?
Hi, quick question. I already have some apps installed via play store, thats also available on F-Droid. Is there any advantage to uninstalling them, and installing them back, from F-Droid?
Some Fdroid Version may have less trackers or replace Google Services(Signal-FOSS/Molly or Telegram for example use a own push service)
Most privacy tools from the PlayStore are light versions “decaffeinated” by Google. Google hate all apps which avoid his control. Recommended app for Android is InviZible Pro (FOSS)