I really liked the original movie, I’m not interested at all in the live action, but there seem to be so many anime tv shows and movies that I’m at a loss where to start except hopping through chronologically by production.

I’d like to avoid repeats, so I don’t really care about ovas.

I watched the original, I want to continue that story, but I have no idea if that’s how the story goes in all the subsequent productions I’m seeing.

so please without spoiling anything, explain which path I should take.

  • madnerds@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    The tv series from the early 2000s is a different timeline unconnected to the original movies, just sharing characters and setting. The more recent movies from a few years ago are prequels. Really you could watch in any order, but probably I’d recommend watching in order of release.

    • ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I’d go with this, and look into each and read a little about them to see if the art styles and stories interest you and dig in from there, rather than approaching it as a wholly cohesive series.

      Personally I liked the original movie and the Stand Alone Complex/2nd Gig series, but didn’t care as much for Arise (the OVA cut). Can’t speak to other parts as I haven’t seen them.