No, I’m not going to sell you on the 42069th cryptocurrency (thank goodness!), I just think that focusing on crypto, and, god forbid, NFTs, completely wastes the potential that blockchains have. Case-in-point: DNS. The centralization of DNS has been a disaster for the internet. The solution: Decentralize DNS with a free register-deregister system. As DNS is now decentralized, hosting fees will decrease dramatically. Laws will also need to be made to prevent DNS-scalping, so as to prevent people from sitting on domains and selling them for high prices. This might be resolved through either domain limiting or traffic tests, where a domain must keep a minimum amount of traffic over time in order to justify it staying registered. Otherwise, it would get deregistered and become freely up for grabs.

  • 小莱卡
    7 months ago

    Decentralization is just so inefficient in most case, really the only issue with centralization is that, since we live in a capitalist society, it ends up in hands of the capitalists.