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Getting into it with someone IRL and having them straight up say that “Of course America will be able to actually catch up and compete if we get some of the loose baggage off of us!”
(This loose baggage is things like D.E.I, trans etc)
Despite the unpleasantry, I was able to get them to at least admit that cutting government programs isn’t gonna make us somehow compete with China. Nor spending billions on programs that only cost China hundreds of millions. Decent progress, despite the bad-taste in my mouth.
The thing that makes me genuinely shocked though is that there are a lot of burgers who think that by just being as racist, homophobic piece of shit settlers even harder that somehow that will absolve their country of struggle and decay. Somehow that will solve all the issues…it’s the “third column” holding our country back…apparently. I suppose all the propaganda of “China bad” in terms of convincing burgers of their wunderwaffe compared to “inferior chinese products” really did take a toll.
I think it’s a result of declining material conditions and concessions being given to oppressed minorities coinciding at the same time. The two are separate things, but timing wise they coincide so it’s really easy to falsely link them as cause and effect.
Yup. It also confirms and validates notions about tradition to them; “truly things were better back then with no woke!”.
I feel like this is the key to neo-liberalism/crypto-fascism today. Without this move class consciousness would be way more advanced in western nations.