MADISON, WI (WSAU) – Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers’s office introduced a bill on Friday afternoon that would change the way a Wisconsin state law addresses biological women and men.
It was the “making it about” part there that was the problem, bud. Artificial insemination already refers to that fertilization. Hence, inseminated person rather than mother when referring to artificial insemination as a medical term. But you would know that if you read shit.
I wrote that whole pointed digression because it’s a thing that’s been shaping itself in my mind lately, and that headline reminded me of it. “Inseminated person” sounds like something out of The Handmaid’s Tale, so I just immediately assumed that it was an example of the incels-in-office in action. That just sounds like such an incel thing to do - to reduce someone’s identity to essentially “one who has been inseminated,” as if having had semen pumped into you is the important part and everything else is just meaningless details.
I still can’t sort out how that’s supposed to in any way be progressive.
Yeah this is weird and creepy. What the hell was wrong with just making it a gender neutral “pregnant person?”
Instead he made it about the fucking semen.
Democrats just love fucking losing, fash media is going to have a field day.
The bill seems to do that, “Inseminated Person” is just one term that was cherry-picked to cause outrage by the people who only read headlines.
So just about everyone
Including yourself, because he wasn’t “making it about fucking semen”. That particular phrasing was referring to artificial insemination.
Why don’t you break down that word for a little bit, bud? Then ask yourself what fertilizes ovum, and where it’s coming from.
It was the “making it about” part there that was the problem, bud. Artificial insemination already refers to that fertilization. Hence, inseminated person rather than mother when referring to artificial insemination as a medical term. But you would know that if you read shit.
Damn. Good point. Definitely a reader who pays attention and doesn’t just react to headlines and pop off in comments with soured confidence. Common.
Yeah - I don’t get it.
I wrote that whole pointed digression because it’s a thing that’s been shaping itself in my mind lately, and that headline reminded me of it. “Inseminated person” sounds like something out of The Handmaid’s Tale, so I just immediately assumed that it was an example of the incels-in-office in action. That just sounds like such an incel thing to do - to reduce someone’s identity to essentially “one who has been inseminated,” as if having had semen pumped into you is the important part and everything else is just meaningless details.
I still can’t sort out how that’s supposed to in any way be progressive.