Anons argue in comments

    18 days ago

    Hey man, I’m being nice. Your initial comment described a ~40 mile commute and made no reference to whether or not you live in town. I’d previously made comments like yours before I picked up biking as a hobby, and I’ve encountered plenty of people who live in town but have to commute to another and use that as the excuse to not bike even though they’d like to. That’s why I left my comment saying “hey you can still do this” but we both know it’s different if you’re in town or not. That’s one of those choices you make when you choose to live in town or outside of town.

    Personally, I’m making the choice that just living in town isn’t enough, I have a special needs child so my wants and needs have changed, so I’m going to go further and move into a major city. Right now I super commute while we clean up, fix up and pack to sell our house and move. That seems to be the right choice for me, and none of these choices might be right for you. That’s life, you make these choices that have trade-offs. Sometimes you make the right choice at the right time, sometimes you make the wrong choice or your wants and needs change and you course correct as needed.