I’m sure Palestine played a big role in this
Die Linke isn’t pro-israeln. They say they don’t want to send weapons in reagilns of war (which they will never have a say in) but they do say israel has a right to defend itself.
That sounds very pro-colonists and pro-genocide.
That’s because it is. See my other comment above: https://lemmygrad.ml/comment/6006884
20% of young people in Germany have no problem with another genocide happening to ensure a white ethnostate and some other 50 odd % are just hiding it in a better way
It’s more like 70% who have no problem with genocidal ethno-supremacism, because as we have seen over the past year, the SPD, Greens and CDU are all diehard Zionists. The current SPD-Green government is the one that has been actively persecuting pro-Palestinian voices and professing virtually unconditional support for the Zionist project. And CDU will be no different.
That’s a lot of little extremists.
That was some super fast counting, dang. All in the next day
Especially since they still insist on paper ballots and counting manually.
I’m sure Palestine played a big role in this
I actually don’t think so. Die Linke has at best a both-sidesy position on Israel-Palestine. My impression from the people i’ve talked to is that they don’t really think much about foreign policy. It’s the progressive economic and social policies of Die Linke that attract younger people. Just like it’s not the AfD’s stance on Russia or anything as intellectually complex as NATO-EU that attracts people to vote for them, but rather simple things like xenophobia and anti-vax conspiracy theories.
People are primarily worried about the things that personally impact them (or that they think impact them) most immediately. Of course exceptions exist (all of us communists are proof of that), but most people are not as engaged with what is happening in the rest of the world as we are.
Aren’t they all Zionists (except bsw)?
There is a lot of brainwashing that goes on in German schools so if a quarter of 18-24 year olds are voting for “don’t send weapons but israel has a right to defend itself” that should be taken as a good sign.
The east is a podcast has a really good 2 part interview about zionism in germany.
Basically yes. Die Linke offers some lip service to the idea of stopping all weapons exports, but they undermine their own position on this by repeating Zionist lies about the Resistance. When you continue to insist that “Israel” has a right to exist and defend itself from the vicious “terrorists” who just out of nowhere and for no other reason than being bloodthirsty savages decided to attack and kill innocent civilians on Oct 7, then you only help the other parties justify continuing to arm the Zionists to commit genocide.
They engage in the same hypocrisy on the subject of the Ukraine conflict by the way: simultaneously claiming to want peace negotiations and an end to weapons deliveries, yet repeating many of the same NATO talking points about Russia and the Ukraine conflict that all the mainstream parties spout.
And because they are too small of a party to have any influence on the actual policies of the government, they can safely pose as being pro-peace because they are never in a position to follow through on that rhetoric with concrete action. Whereas them strengthening the propaganda talking points is something that actually matters because it helps the government to continue the current course. As a small opposition party the most effective thing they could do would be to call out the mainstream on its lies like the BSW does on Nordstream, Ukraine, sanctions, etc. …But they haven’t and they won’t.
I mean heart’s in the right place for those who voted Die Linke, but at the same time, yeah, a lot of them are pro-Israel
BSW has its own can of problems, but economically and foreign policy-wise, they’re good, so as long as they make their cultural policy a non-mainstay, it’d be fine.
If we could have a leftist party with the social policies of Die Linke and the foreign policy of BSW, i would be so happy…oh wait, we do have it, it’s called the DKP. Only one problem: they weren’t allowed on the fucking ballot in this election! So much for “free and fair elections” in this “democracy”…
Were they not allowed? I thought it was a tactical decision on their part since gathering the signatures to get accepted would’ve taken too much resources for too little reward. In any case, still undemocratic that you have to get enough signatures be eligible.
The federal government has been trying to go after DKP for a long time now. They tried pulling some legalistic crap to exclude them from running before under the pretext that they didn’t jump through whatever bureaucratic hoops. Whatever the reason this time, it is clear that the DKP is in the crosshairs of the bourgeois state, as they and every other Marxist party are anyway under observation by the state as “left-wing extremists”. Any party that declares that they want a different economic system than the free market and any other political system than the current one gets put on a list and surveilled, and all kinds of bureaucratic and legal barriers get thrown in their way to make life difficult for them.
Makes sence, thank you for the perspective comrade o7
I looked briefly but couldn’t find any reason for the DKP not being on the ballot. They don’t even show up in the list of parties which applied to participate and were denied.
The DKP exists because the KPD was declared anti-constitutional and banned by the West German government.
More recently, a tiny socialist party was found anti-constitutional by a judge because the constitution enshrines liberal private property rights and socialists don’t.
A breakdown by age group:
As you can see, we have boomers to thank for putting the decrepit CDU and SPD back in charge who will only continue more of the same failing policies.
Nothing will change in Germany until this generation, that to a large degree refuses to change party allegiance no matter how badly these dinosaur parties fail us, dies out.
And in the meantime their failures will only continue to empower the far right.
You could replace this chart with a different Western nation and its equivalent parties (or at least scales between the strong left and strong right among the population) and the numbers would mostly match up. It seems to be a pattern, even in Amerikkka, too, at least in regards to the older generations voting more conservative and siding with status quo generally while the new generation of voters have been radicalizing towards the fascist right as well as the socialists/progressive left.