So I resurrected as a vending machine in another world
“Potion wending machine, give me your strongest potion!”
“Potion vending machine, I have deposited the coins. Please give me your strongest potion.”
“I do not register that you deposited coins, traveller. Please deposit the appropriate amount of coins.”
“Potion vending machine, I have already deposited the coins! Give me your strongest potion!”
“You must deposit more coins, traveller, if you wish to have my strongest potion.”
Holy shit this artist has a lot of these cool cozy fantasy pieces!
This artist (you?) is amazing. Are any of these prints for sale?
Sorry, I’m not. I linked the source to their DeviantArt in the description. Please check there :)
Is this artist involved with Obojima by any chance?
Wont this just end up like this famous vending machine?
enchanted glass
weirdly, just as bad for the environment as plastic