• 34 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • Okay, get your guns! If I remember correctly from Project 2025, Trump wants to dispatch the military on the streets to stop the people from revolting against the christofascist dystopia he and his friends want to impose on others. Maybe you can be just like in the FPS games, and survive from health, weapon, and ammunition drops from the soldiers.

  • To my American friends: Please don’t give up hope yet! As the GOP is very closely communicating with Fidesz, they’re banking on activist burnout. They want to break you, so you not only won’t do anymore activism, but to maybe even join them finally in the hopes of getting something from them finally. After the next Trump victory, they’ll likely also copy one another thing from Hungary, namely the firing of leftists, to force them to convert to conservatism.

  • What metric would AES states have to pass to be considered a genuine and authentic movement that isn’t completely arbitrary and vibes-based?

    Did the workers own their means of production? No. In fact, a lot of worker’s cooperatives were not only nationalized, but turned into the same kind of exploitative enterprises they were made to escape the corporate world, but this time it was in the hands of the state, and the factory had “this factory belongs to the workers” written on it.

    Does a drastic improvement in life expectancy, literacy rates, housing rates, educational access, healthcare access, diminishing wealth disparity, and decreasing hours worked not count as “true and authentic?

    Those are often done under more “human-faced” capitalist states. These states are just social-autocracies: all the social benefits of social democracies, without any democracy, unless you call liking a dictator and their pet projects at gunpoint a “democracy”.

    Would my far-right government be considered a socialist country, because it boasts about record-high employment boosted by emmigration and the humiliating public employment program (work full 8+ hours at a state institute or street cleaner for half the minimum wage, so car makers don’t have to pay taxes), and about higher and higher wages that are nearly completely offset by inflation? Is stuffing the prime minister’s childhood friend with so much money he became a billionaire at the cost of smaller businesses going bankrupt a socialist move, just because he happens to be Hungarian (and also doesn’t have “berg” in his family name, nor has a “suspiciously large nose” as some insiders told me why a Hungarian business needed to go)? I guess critical support for Viktor Orbán then, since he hates the west and its human rights…

  • ZILtoid1991@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    14 hours ago

    Plus one of the former applicants was accused of both communism and antisemitism, the latter just due to not being 1000% pro-Israel and despite being Jewish himself. One another had “bad vibes”, people called her a “warhawk”, and called the former guy’s fans misogynist bros.

  • And you have all the reasons to be terrified, the US in case of a Trump victory will either:

    a) Go isolationist, dissolve the NATO, then let the power vacuum to be filled by Russia and China (one is better than the other), all while a big ultranationalist movement will claim to fix the issues.

    b) Make whatever insanity Trump’s christofascist call “morals” into the global standards for human rights, heavily censor the internet, etc.

    A second Trump victory will have dire consequences for the rest of the world.

  • They’re concealing their true nature, and get a bunch of naïve moderates to clean their image. Jobbik did it in Hungary first, it even lead to the radicals splitting out the party under Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Homeland Movement - technically a satellite party and the “bad cops” of Fidesz), and the moderates rebranding as more boring conservatives. Fidesz learned this tactic, and used it to make Trianon Revisionism seem like a “common cause”. Gamergate also did it the first round, the second round was just a literal reaction against any kind of inclusivity. The republicans are also doing it of course: Their average voter isn’t as evil as it seems, they’re just the naïve loyal voters, who think even if things go bad, they can just be removed from legislation. Which is true, but it will be hard if democracy is dismantled like in Hungary, and even then you can’t unlegislate ruined lives, the dead from their graves, the lost years people had to endure because of bad laws and no worker’s protections.