What products are most at risk. What are easiest to replace to reduce risk? Hardest to replace?

  • jet@hackertalks.com
    29 days ago

    Cell phone towers are not critical infrastructure, destroying them is just the cost of war.

    Hydroelectric dams, nuclear power plants, anything that takes a long time to build, would be spared if the intent is to takeover.

    Off the cuff invasion scenario:

    1. Jam all gps
    2. Multistike all air force and anti air installations
    3. Emp over military facilities
    4. Destroy key communication points
    5. Destroy power grid
    6. Mine all major roads (cluster mines from the air)
    7. Secure /disable nuclear assets

    Cut the population off so they can’t organize, destroy the military, secure critical assets. Since most of the CA population lives within 100km of the boarder the only real pernicious worry will be submarines deployed and further afield military posts in the north.