Hello everyone, I know this topic is a bit heavy and more recent in our memories but I’m having some trouble actually finding decent resources about what is actually going on and most sources I could find expect you to have some knowledge on the subject already. I’ve heard contradictory things and there is a lot of disinformation out there so now I will just ask directly. What happened? How did we get here?
Videos and books are also welcome!
You might consider including these in your timeline as well:
Very interesting read, thanks!
Have you considered the an amazing counterpoint in this report though?
Wow, no, actually i never thought of that. Who would have thought after all the effort i went through to provide source after source for every statement i made, it would be so easy to debunk it all with one sentence? Genius.
I guess i’ll have to delete my comment now and rethink my entire life.
(Also, thanks to that person for teaching me the proper way to spell “blatan”.)
We need to include these dates and operations in the timeline. They aren’t even present on wikipedia despite being in this official NATO publication
A week into the conflict Russian troops nearly surround Kiev, Zelensky says he is prepared to accept Ukrainian neutrality, and Russia and Ukraine begin negotiations.
March 2022 Russian and Ukrainian negotiators in Istanbul reach preliminary agreement on peace terms. These terms would include Ukraine retaining all its territories except for Crimea, no NATO in Ukraine, rights for ethnic Russians, and a reduced Ukrainian military. Russia agrees to pull forces back from Kiev as a first step toward peace.
News of imminent peace spreads, NATO warmongers panic and the US sends British PM Boris Johnson to Kiev to sabotage the negotiations, promising Zelensky a blank cheque for weapons and money to continue the war.
April 2022 Kiev pulls out of all negotiations and murders their own negotiator in broad daylight, promising a similar fate for anyone attempting to deal with Russia.
September 2022 Russia holds referendums for accession of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions to Russia.
October 2022 Ukraine passes a law forbidding any negotiations with Russia.
And that’s basically how we got here. Ukraine and its military in shambles and losing ground every day, Europe still delusionally clinging to the idea of defeating Russia, the new US administration desperately trying to find a way to unload the whole failed project on the Europeans.
Exactly what I have been looking for. Thank you for such a well made breakdown of events.
No problem. Take the time to read through the links i provided and let me know if there is anything missing or anything that you need clarification on. I didn’t cover most of the SMO itself because i think what has happened since 2022 is rather well known.
I would say the least well known in the West is what was happening in the Donbass from 2014 onward. The NATO expansion issue has been discussed a lot even in more mainstream media, but to really understand the situation that led up to 2022 you need to see first hand the videos and hear the testimonies of the people who lived through it, which is why i think that the Donbass documentary (link in the first comment) is so important for people to see.
If you want to do some research on any of these topics yourself, keep in mind that Google is heavily censored and will almost exclusively display results that all parrot the same western mainstream media narrative on Ukraine, often word for word the same across dozens of publications. Use other search engines such as Yandex.
And Wikipedia is of course also a cesspool of propaganda on this topic, and like Reddit highly controlled by western intelligence agencies to align with the pro-Maidan, anti-Russian narrative.
I will definitely let you know if I have any questions! I’ve been going through everything whenever I get the time. I’ve never heard of Yandex before actually but I’ll definitely give it a try. Thanks again!
My least favourite liberal argument regarding the war in Ukraine is “But US and Russia never signed a treaty so it’s ok that NATO expanded”. They implicitly agree that the American government is untrustworthy and don’t keep their promises, but I don’t think liberals have thought that through
Here is why i say that the OSCE was pro-Ukrainian:
They were supposed to be a neutral observer but they leaked military info to the Ukrainian army.
And yet Russia insisted that they still be allowed to operate in the Donbass republics throughout that conflict, which is how much the Russians were prepared to turn a blind eye to the West’s treachery in order to preserve the Minsk agreements.
This has been very useful. Thank you for the resource.
Towards the Abyss by Ischenko is a pretty good take on the political dynamics within Ukraine that led to 2014 and 2022