In Latvia we recently introduced a law where we must add country of origin on price tags for all food products. It is quite fun and sometimes surprising to see where something was made.
I like stuff that says
Origin of beef: EU and outside of EU
Like yeah that’s real specific
Curry Spice Mix
Ingredients: spicesPerhaps cows are allowed to freely move over the EU border? I’ve got it, is this since brexit? if so then they must be Irish cows…
The country of origin can be indicated with a flag and/or in writing.
🇹🇩🇷🇴 Chad or Romania, Chad or Romania?? [PANIK]
Can you also put a maple leaf for Canadian products so we don’t accidentally become collateral damage to your response to Trump’s madness?
Sorry guys you need to move your country to Europe first
You’re joking but…
Cute flag
Sure, but besides the top shelf maple sirup what else would it be applied to? I mean no offense, but I don’t think that we import that much food from Canada
And an eagle for the Mexican!
I hadn’t realised they stole that as well!!
Mexican eagle!
I didn’t realize the black star was the symbol of Europe! How futuristic
Well you know what they say, In the Villa of Ormen, stands a solitary candle.
Can Canadians buy European products and vice versa? Maybe, we can join your union if we are extra nice?
Would love to have you with us!
It’s a legitimate question now…
Fucking… fine. Time to listen to it again.
My first thought as well.
I was born upside down
If anyone asks it’s Salling Group.
So Netto and Føtex, for all intents and purposes. The Netto close to home is too shit and Føtex is too far away, but good to know!
I wonder if the entire EEA is included in this, or just the EU27.
It more precisely indicates that the product is made by a corporate entity where the top level company is European. The product can still be made by a US subsidiary, or be made from 100% US ingredients, and still get the star.
50 euros for a liter of organic testosterone isn’t bad
Denmark doesn’t use the euro, they use danish crowns - 49,95 DKK are 6,69€ so that’s basically a steal!
Maybe a circle of stars or the actual European flag would be clearer communication, but I appreciate this step!
i don’t really think these displays have the resolution for that
It’s barely got the resolution for one star given that it’s been photoshopped on at a higher resolution than the rest of the label.
Sweet! Would be cool if they would adopt this in other countries as well!
Been seeing grocery stores stick maple leafs on Canadian products here.
The US could use a poo emoji.
Or a gun.
Or mango
wtf is 1L of Organic Test and it costs 50 euros? what a mysterious sign
Denmark uses krones, not euros
50DKK (Danish Kroner) is like 7 euros.
No idea what that thing is though
7€ per Liter must be Fiji water smh.
there are already European laws to clarify if a product is made entirely in a single country or in EU, same with raw materials; you can read it on the label of food, wine, oil, etc
Really hope Aldi and Lidl in the UK do this 🤞 (Tesco is no1 supermarket but sadly can’t see them following)
They pretty much sell their own brands anyway, don’t they? Unless it’s different in the UK.
So technically most things they sell are European brands.
So is it just one star? ★☆☆☆☆