Yeah I wouldn’t mind being “scammed” with a commercial display.
Do I have to bring my soap?
Why is it that long when shutdown -p -f works great?
Oh yeah you are right, sorry system76!
It just sucks how they are owned partially by Linus.
Also: vendors don’t update their shit.
The CPU in this has no pins, is just contacts on the chip. The pins are in the motherboard, like the new 7000 series Ryzen.
My favorite software acronym is PINCE, the reverse engineering tool that’s similar to Cheat Engine in Winblols, that stands for PINCE Is Not Cheat Engine.
I’d run XFCE themed with Chicago95 in this everyday.
Is your memory really as short as whatever is in the news?
Makes me feel like a caveman doing the about:config string change since like 8th grade.
I am an aspiring technical writer so I will take that as a compliment.
But how do I find those jobs? When I search in Indeed all I get are tech companies or MSP’s. I’m currently working as a sysadmin for a Mom & Pop company and are severely underpaid.
Plata o plomo compita.
Yeah I was SSHing the movies to it directly from my server but I doubt you know what that is.
The iPad with VLC works great for portability too.
Those were exactly my thoughts, if you are the kind of person who is looking for a commercial display for your TV, I doubt you would use the integrated speakers.