• ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    18 hours ago

    So I’m on mastodon but I don’t use it much. I’ve not really connected there. In my experience it’s like screaming into the void, which was very similar to my twitter experience before leaving that shithole. I did have some social connections on twitter but they were people I knew irl in college back from like 2006 when twitter came out. Maybe I have to post more about stuff instead of just non sequiturs and dumb jokes. I do pixel fed too but tbh that place feels a bit ghost towny atm

    The other inherent problem with online socialization for me is that I’m older, late 30s. I work a non traditional job as a self employed counselor so I have the ability to fuck around on my phone and shit post a bit more, like if a client cancels mid day. But when I do have a brief interaction with someone online (even something like this one tbh) there’s a nagging voice in my head that’s like “most people online aren’t like you, you are lucky to have the flexibility you do, there is a decent chance this person is half your age” and then it’s like ohhh maybe I don’t want to encourage a deeper social connection here. It does not help that as part of my job I talk to a not insignificant number of young adults that were groomed online. This is my own shit to sort out though. Thanks for reading my blog, I guess

    I do appreciate your suggestions, genuinely