Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’ 2024 running mate, has suggested he may run for president in 2028.
Reflecting on the Democrats’ loss to Donald Trump and JD Vance, he admitted: “A large number of people did not believe we were fighting for them in the last election – and that’s the big disconnect.”
Walz said his life experience, rather than ambition, would guide his decision.
Though his VP campaign was marred by gaffes, he remains open to running if he feels prepared.
The Harris campaign had to cover the governor’s tracks when he tripped up during a California fundraiser by stating that the constitutionally-mandated system used to select the president, otherwise known as the electoral college, “needs to go”.
How the hell is that a gaffe? It’s both the truth and exactly what people want to hear. Any lib who thinks like that needs to kindly keep their mouths shut for the next four years. This country needs radical change, the only choice you get is which one you want.
and exactly what people want to hear
It’s what people who care about democracy want to hear. That certainly isn’t everyone.
Here, let me grab a sharpie and fix that.
The Harris campaign made a cowardly attempt to walk back the governor’s statements when he said during a California fundraiser that the broken election systems used for gerrymandering and enabling the double elections of Donald Trump, “needs to go”.
Just guessing, but it might be a gaffe because it could be skewed to sound like he doesn’t believe in democracy. Of course, this makes no sense because Trump has quite literally said that we might not need another election in four years.
A more careful statement might have been, “the electoral college needs to be replaced with a system where every citizen’s vote has the same magnitude.” If that’s not the mathematical ideal of democracy, I don’t know what is.
Edit: For you pedantic mathematicians, I’ll add that everyone’s vote should have the same magnitude, and that magnitude should be greater than zero.
If that’s not the mathematical ideal of democracy,
That is the mathematical ideal of populism.
Democracy is “government by consent of the governed”; There is no good way of democratically electing a singular individual. Which is why the presidency should be little more than a figurehead, with very little actual authority.
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most of the electorate
You just defined “populism”.
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The pearl-clutching Tone Police in the Democratic Party are nothing if not exhausting, that’s for sure.
The Republicans can and do say just about whatever the fuck they want, and that’s sanewashed, and overlooked, and brushed under the rug, sometimes even celebrated, but the tone police in the “liberal media” and the left, and the Democratic Party itself will be there, wagging-finger at the ready, if some Democrat misses a semicolon .
i’m not even sure what that text is supposed to be referencing?
I assume it’s not literally the message itself, because that would be kind of broad. I’m guessing he just said it weirdly, and that bothered people, because of course it did.
Give me AOC or Bernie.
Bold of him to assume there will be elections in 2028.
Tim Walz unleashed would have won this.
He was hamstrug by Harris. He’s likely the dem’s best choice for 2028.
So of course they’ll run Newsome or Shapiro or Hillary Clinton again because they’re a bunch of idiots.
It’s cute that he thinks there will be an election in 2028, or ever again, for that matter.
Yeah, let’s keep alive the existence of Walz’s couple of misstatements, while ignoring the insane, senile nonsense that Trump spews on the hour. Fuck the media.
Personally, I’m hoping Zelensky will run for US president after strong Dien in Ukraine. You might be thinking that someone from another country can’t be president. Well… looks at current situation in White House At least this one would be elected.
Thinking there is going to be a real election in 2028 is the most optimistic thing I’ve heard in a while.
He’s the one who wanted to go hardball on Republicans and they couldn’t find anything to stick to him, as hard as they tried.
Dems can do worse and have done much worse.
Fuckin should have been the nominee in the first place - him or Sanders.
Not sure of moderates are ok with Sanders. The center and right will keep calling Sanders a socialist and communist.
Who fucking cares? The moderates who were supposed to swoop in and save Kamala pointedly didn’t. Catering towards a fictional segment of the electorate is (demonstrably) a recipe for failure.
You’re right, we should stop try appealing to moderates like Kamala did and just do what’s best for the working class.
That’s the vast majority of what I’m saying.
The moderates who were supposed to swoop in and save Kamala pointedly didn’t.
kamala had 75 million votes, to the 77 million that trump got.
If anybody fucked up the election it was the hardline commies or super aggressive left leaning people that refused to vote for kamala because of whatever silly reason they had.
IDK why people on the internet are willingly this fucking stupid. Evidently looking at the biden results, there were about 7-8 million more votes than kamala received, which is considerably more inline with what you would expect had younger voters actually, well, voted.
You would literally need to be on fucking crack to take anything else away from the results of these recent elections. IF ANYTHING, the obvious answer is that the younger voting block NEEDS to go and vote, because historically, they don’t.
TL;DR if you didn’t already pick this up from basic civics knowledge, the vast majority of the voterbase is going to vote for “whoever is on the ticket this time” that’s why trump even gets traction at all, maybe 10-20% of his voter base actually cares about him in any substantive manner. It’s the same for the dems, 75% of the base is people who will vote for WHOEVER gets put on the primary ticket, some of those are going to be more moderate though, and if you run someone like bernie, they will pull out or switch support, which is one of the risks you take when running a more hardline candidate.
Trump was just able to viciously mobilize his segment of the population against the republican voter base (who are historically known to behave like this)
We do not have this advantage on the dem side, we literally have to mobilize the youth, that’s the ONE thing that can save us.
Voter turnout in these elections was lower than in the 2020 elections
yeah, primarily because you can’t vote by mail in the 2024 election, where as you could in the 2020 election, enfranchising more people to go out and vote, and historically, it’s not republicans that struggle to vote, it’s the democrats.
I still think it was voters showing their protest against the Israeli Genocide. I mean, I voted for Harris, but ffuuuuuuckk, all she had to do was say she’d at least try to find another way other than selling weapons.
i’m not really convinced it was a significant enough margin to outpace the usual no show voter rolls. Historically we’ve had issues with turnout, and when it gets easier, more people vote, when it gets harder less people vote. I really don’t think something that seems to really explicitly mobilize people under the age of 25 and above the age of 18 would be a very significant voter block to begin with. There’s probably more people in there, but you’re talking about people who are ethnically arab, and i wouldn’t necessarily count those as those are going to be opposed to pretty much anything you do in the middle east regarding israel.
Someone would have to do some actual polling or research to find out whether or not it had a significant effect, but i’m betting it wasn’t. It probably had something to do with it, but literally every campaign has these 1% base issues, it’s literally unavoidable.
If everyone voted mainline Trump still would have won the election. Greens got 860000, while the Libertarians got 650000 and RFK got 750000.
Snarks over “basic civics knowledge” in tl:dr longer than actual post.
Rails about the popular vote in a nation using an electoral collage.
Rails about the popular vote in a nation using an electoral collage.
we use both the popular vote, and the electoral vote in presidential elections. Popular vote doesn’t actually contribute to anything other than demonstration public sentiment, very clearly.
The electoral vote primarily fucks with the house and congress, since it’s on the same level, it does also elect the president, but that’s usually irrelevant, as the popular vote generally tracks with that.
left leaning people that refused to vote for kamala because of whatever silly reason they had
we literally have to mobilize the youth, that’s the ONE thing that can save us.
The youth think centrists are useless traitorous war criminal arseholes. You think you can talk down to progressives but somehow get the youth vote? You’re on crack.
Didn’t ‘the youth’ break for trump in historic proportions compared to previous elections? The males, at the very least.
Harris lost 6% of youth (under 30). Largely because dems ignored the economy and jobs concerns, according to NPR.
Ah, so it wasn’t that they voted more for trump, just that there was a shift towards him from a solidly democrat lean before… and a huge one in terms of males (41% to 56%, looking at that article), like I said?
sort of, this is like running a trial on whether “murder is bad” and being surprised when somebody answers “no” even though it was an option you gave them.
the youth follows the same trends seen in older demographics, but is still consistently dem/left leaning over all. This is nothing new, and i’m not sure why anybody is really talking about it. If anything, the strongest indicator we have for who you vote for is going to be age group, and then minority/ethnic status.
The youth think centrists are useless traitorous war criminal arseholes. You think you can talk down to progressives but somehow get the youth vote? You’re on crack.
yeah, that’s the meme. That’s the problem. People are pretending like it’s the 65 year old life long dem voters that are fucking us over, but it’s realistically going to be the youth, who mostly don’t vote, and when they do, often not productively.
Well, your supposedly existing leftists didn’t achieve even that. I don’t remember where I heard it, but the saying gows something like “Catering towards a fictional segment of the electorate is (demonstrably) a recipe for failure.”
Probably because Harris and Biden succeeded in alienating a group that SHOULD have been a slam dunk for them: Arab-Americans.
And also, they listened to their consultants instead of, you know, normal people. They were too busy jacking themselves off about how “great” the economy was to notice that MOST people in the country are straight up not having a good time.
The Arab-American vote was crucial in Michigan, and they threw that away. And frankly, I’d argue that they alienated a lot more moderate voters by INSISTING the economy was better (failing to realize economy != people’s actual lives) and staunchly defending the status quo on that front.
Ah yes, Arab-Americans, known for their tolerance and feminist ideals, did not turn out for the woman preaching tolerance for all and love for Israel.
To capture a more left leaning audience you are going to have to abandon this notion notoriously conservative and backwards cultures will suddenly be progressive and accepting.
“Have you considered that the people we’re genociding might be kinda problematic?”
Don’t do that
It’s true, why should we try to support a group that fundamentally disagrees and hates a large part of the base? There’s no salvaging such disagreements.
They called Kamala a communist too. It doesn’t fucking matter, they’ll say it about anyone, you can’t be afraid of it.
Moderates can take their own fucking advice for once and vote blue no matter who.
Left Sanders Republican reich (rnc) +-----------------------+---------+--------------+ Republican lite (dnc)
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He was the better half of the ticket.
It’s cute that they think there’s gonna be another election.
Walz was great in 2024. He had enthusiasm and actually answered the interviewers’ questions. I would have preferred the symbolic victory of a black woman president, but I like Walz better as an individual person. I think he could have won if he’d been the presidential candidate. Well, Harris won too, but I mean he could have won even with the voter suppression stealing all those democratic votes.
President Walz and Vice President Cortez is the future we need. But probably not the future we’ll get.
I’d vote for him but he’d need to ignore the consultants next time if he wants any hope of winning.
I’m worried that despite having very good views himself that he is going to be tainted by the past. Not without reason too, because the consultants made him stand down with the “weird” insult and progressive messaging. Like most of these people, if it’s not their authentic campaign, then whose is it? He’s demonstrated, like most people who reach a moment in their career to seriously consider this, that he’s too malleable for populist politics. It’s possible that he completely sheds that team and runs his own, but who here really thinks that’s going to happen? I’d believe it if we had AOC for VP. The pressure to succumb to inferior messaging is higher than it’ll ever be during a presidential campaign, I don’t really trust anyone to stay firm except AOC, Talib, and Bernie because they have demonstrated resistance in this sort of high pressure consultant environment.