Seriously. It is absolutely dangerous to go the 45mph speed limit they have up there even after they’ve reportedly started handing out warning tickets. Last time I drove up that way I was going 50mph in the right most lane the entire construction zone and I have never white knuckled a drive more than that. I’m not going to go faster and get a ticket because of everyone else but I’m also sure as hell not going to get ran off the road trying to follow the rules either. The best bet might be to avoid this whole area until it’s all said and done…

    12 days ago

    I’m sorry. I am one of those people driving 75.

    Sing “I can’t drive 55…”

    But seriously, 55 is nuts.

    I know everyone considers 75 too fast, but I am not weaving through traffic, always using a signal, and not doing that during snow/ice/etc, nor am I using my damn phone texting and posting on Facebook.

    If everyone would actually pay attention, I’d prefer we all go 70.