Supports shipping to:
- Netherlands (no shipping required)
- UK (no shipping required)
- Germany
- Austria
- Norway (no shipping required)
- Finland (no shipping required)
- Belgium
- Romania (no shipping required)
Non EU:
- US (hawaii too)
- Australia,
- Puerto rico
Here’s their promise to never use forced labour for their cocoa.
There’s also the Tony’s open chain: a pledge by many companies (not just eu, also us) to use only ethically sourced cocoa. The companies are: here
For Norway: you can buy these at Normal. Much cheaper than getting them shipped.
what an abnormal store name lol
Thanks, i’ll add this to the post :D
Also available in Finland in some grocery stores.
Adding right now, thanks
They sell it in most supermarkets in the UK too. Even starting to see it in some vending machine too.
Adding, thank you!