American billionaire Elon Musk has claimed that the Starlink system is crucial to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, suggesting that if he were to switch it off, the front line held by Ukrainian troops would collapse.
You were doing so well before the last line which comes over as haughty and suggests you’ve not actually got any solid arguments. “It’s like this because”.
Anyway I disagree, it was a nothing burger and I object to your nonsensical conflation of that with a seig heil. I’d call that a Reddit moment but this place has a different name.
That’ll do me for this conversation, we disagree and that’s fine. Have a nice day.
You were doing so well before the last line which comes over as haughty and suggests you’ve not actually got any solid arguments. “It’s like this because”.
Anyway I disagree, it was a nothing burger and I object to your nonsensical conflation of that with a seig heil. I’d call that a Reddit moment but this place has a different name.
That’ll do me for this conversation, we disagree and that’s fine. Have a nice day.
At a certain point I realised I was explaining the super obvious, and I wanted to point that out.
If it offended you, sit with that feeling. Maybe it’s trying to tell you something.