So I’ve seen passing ironic references to DARE in American media representing it as a bit of a joke. That media was intended for American audiences so didn’t really elaborate on what the program entailed but I somehow already knew without any need of such context that it was an anti-drugs public outreach campaign and was able to laugh along having had various similar laughable campaigns aimed at youth in my Australian childhood.

But then on reflection I realised that the whole DARE thing specifically, was familiar to me, like I’d personally experienced it too, but what I remembered was a TV commercial and also seeing it as late as the 2000s. From what I’ve now read about the campaign it seems to have been US-centric and maybe a bit in the UK and based entirely around talks at schools. I went through my fair share of shitty talks at school, but not DARE specifically, but I can’t shake a memory of an ad I swear I remember seeing, in Australia, specifically about use of marijuana, implying that the effects of smoking it aren’t fun or enjoyable and then at the end of the ad having a logo or graphic referring to DARE. But I can’t seem to find any evidence that this, or even any DARE commercials ever existed. It doesn’t help research that we have a brand of bottled Ice Coffee in Australia called Dare who have had lots of high profile ad campaigns so that’s almost entirely what comes up from search results. I found Flinders university (An Australian university) paper about the role of schools in Alcohol education which talks about DARE and its utter inefficacy but seems to be referring to the American context and specifically about alcohol. So doesn’t really prove anything.

From what little I remember about the ad it was focussing on the fact that marijuana can give you an increased heartbeat and feelings of paranoia and trying to imply that this was somehow something that always happens and is the only effect of smoking it. Had some sort of tagline like ‘there’s nothing fun about marijuana’ or some similar idiocy.

    9 months ago

    They definitely went hard on the propaganda in the US in the 80’s and 90’s but it was all a big joke to us. I remember a whole stage production when I was in high school (and already old enough to be experimenting with drugs) where they used slang terms so outdated, it was unintentional comedy.