Pretty much all Western countries looked up to the US between 1945 and 2016 (or so).
Presumably, you’re the kind of person who thinks we’ve all been the bad guys the whole time, though. And TBF shit things were done, it’s just that everyone else has been even more shit.
As a Westerner not from America (like most of the users in this community), yes, I am sure about that. I didn’t say it was a relationship without conflict, but they helped defeat the Nazis, lead the charge in the Cold War and then were the fulcrum of the new trade-focused world order in the so-called “end of history” period that followed. We all watched American movies the whole time and it’s not because anyone was forcing us.
They only joined WW2 when the Nazis where pretty much defeated by the rest of the allies and success was guaranteed. Only to invent themselves as the sole winner of the war.
During the Cold war they fought hot proxy wars all over the place without any interest in casualties as long as they didn’t look weak for the soviets. Even after the Cold war western countries were only lucky that the US didn’t invade them for oil or other interests. They brought “freedom” to so many countries by now it became a fucking meme.
Sure I’m seeing things a bit narrow and I might be biased but the US is and was a shithole that fucked up everyone around them as long as I can think of. The only reason they could do it is because they would crush you if you tried stopping them or it was useful to you because you weren’t the current victim.
As you put it so nicely, the convenient bully.
Briefly the us was the good guys when we killed a bunch of slavers and then when we killed a bunch of fascists. Those were exceptions to the rule though.
Looks at founding fathers… Yeah killed the slavers. Puts blanket over Native Indians. Hides Chinese rail workers under rug. Renames Irish “Indentured workers”
To be accurate, this is a nuclear propelled attack submarine. It does not carry nuclear warheads and is not what we normally call a “nuclear deterrent”.
It does not but can carry nuke tipped missiles and even though we have the screw signatures of our allies…this is still a message that the rest of the world except Moscow is looking down on us in disappointment
My current job is to operate electronic sensors on board of an aircraft. I used to work with anti-submarine helicopters. The kind of helicopters that usually operate from a military ship. Now I’ve been moved to work on a search and rescue aircraft. It’s a nice change to be looking for people who actually want to be found.
Could have imagined this happening as little as 3 years ago.
An ally sending a nuclear deterrent into our waters as a message/warning to the US. This normally happens to countries like Iran or North Korea
Hey. Guess what? At the moment, we’re the bad guys…
At the moment? When was there ever a time the US weren’t the bad guys?
Pretty much all Western countries looked up to the US between 1945 and 2016 (or so).
Presumably, you’re the kind of person who thinks we’ve all been the bad guys the whole time, though. And TBF shit things were done, it’s just that everyone else has been even more shit.
Are you sure about that? Pretty much all Western countries see America as a convenient bully.
As a Westerner not from America (like most of the users in this community), yes, I am sure about that. I didn’t say it was a relationship without conflict, but they helped defeat the Nazis, lead the charge in the Cold War and then were the fulcrum of the new trade-focused world order in the so-called “end of history” period that followed. We all watched American movies the whole time and it’s not because anyone was forcing us.
They only joined WW2 when the Nazis where pretty much defeated by the rest of the allies and success was guaranteed. Only to invent themselves as the sole winner of the war. During the Cold war they fought hot proxy wars all over the place without any interest in casualties as long as they didn’t look weak for the soviets. Even after the Cold war western countries were only lucky that the US didn’t invade them for oil or other interests. They brought “freedom” to so many countries by now it became a fucking meme. Sure I’m seeing things a bit narrow and I might be biased but the US is and was a shithole that fucked up everyone around them as long as I can think of. The only reason they could do it is because they would crush you if you tried stopping them or it was useful to you because you weren’t the current victim. As you put it so nicely, the convenient bully.
Briefly the us was the good guys when we killed a bunch of slavers and then when we killed a bunch of fascists. Those were exceptions to the rule though.
Looks at founding fathers… Yeah killed the slavers. Puts blanket over Native Indians. Hides Chinese rail workers under rug. Renames Irish “Indentured workers”
They were clearly talking about the Union during the Civil War…
Yeah that’s pretty obvious what’s your point?
What’s the relevance of the founding fathers, then?
The original slavers you mean?
They also killed the Nazis, except for the ones that were useful, of course.
Nobody said the founding fathers killed slavers?
Surely you jest in your obtuse interpretation of my composed articulation…
So you at least understand the comment you replied to wasn’t talking about the founding fathers… So why fucking bring them up?
You might want to open up a history book and see when slavery started in the colonies chief.
I kinda root for them in the war of independence
Still hasn’t happened. This was a sales pitch for a Canadian defence contract.
To be accurate, this is a nuclear propelled attack submarine. It does not carry nuclear warheads and is not what we normally call a “nuclear deterrent”.
It does not but can carry nuke tipped missiles and even though we have the screw signatures of our allies…this is still a message that the rest of the world except Moscow is looking down on us in disappointment
I believe you, but do you have a source? That’s a pretty big distinction when you’re calling it a “nuclear attack submarine”!
I used to look for submarines for a living. But you don’t have to believe me:
What would be an example of a submarine that isn’t an Attack submarine, only surveillance?
Thanks for the info. I’m curious if you have more details on what that job was (if you’re able to share)! Why did you move on from it?
My current job is to operate electronic sensors on board of an aircraft. I used to work with anti-submarine helicopters. The kind of helicopters that usually operate from a military ship. Now I’ve been moved to work on a search and rescue aircraft. It’s a nice change to be looking for people who actually want to be found.
That’s cool…