Every couple of years I try out the latest “assistant”. I ask very simple queries, stuff that you might expect it to be able to handle. It always disappoints hilariously.
Questions where previous assistants consistently and utterly failed: “What’s the weather going to be like today?” “I want to go to [address], using public transport, can you tell me which routes I have to take?” “What are my appointments today?”
You’d think these are pretty obvious use-cases, but every iteration of assistants was completely incapable of getting even close to a satisfying answer. I don’t expect LLMs to fare better this time around.
I just tried those questions with Gemini on my phone. It got them all right. For the directions one it gave me a Google Maps link with the route dialed in in public transit mode
Every couple of years I try out the latest “assistant”. I ask very simple queries, stuff that you might expect it to be able to handle. It always disappoints hilariously.
Questions where previous assistants consistently and utterly failed: “What’s the weather going to be like today?” “I want to go to [address], using public transport, can you tell me which routes I have to take?” “What are my appointments today?”
You’d think these are pretty obvious use-cases, but every iteration of assistants was completely incapable of getting even close to a satisfying answer. I don’t expect LLMs to fare better this time around.
I only use voice to interact with my phone when I’m driving and want to set a destination, or if I’m at home and can’t find my phone.
Somehow I doubt that AI will help tell me my phone fell off the nightstand and is half way under the bed.
My every usage of assistant boiled down to just “What’s this song?”, so I just replaced it with Shazam.
Gemini… having tried it, you will surely get an answer, perhaps based on random magic.
I just tried those questions with Gemini on my phone. It got them all right. For the directions one it gave me a Google Maps link with the route dialed in in public transit mode