The browser window size is an easy way to fingerprint. You might be the only person viewing web content in a 1916x988 window who also has a certain font installed.
So, I haven’t done any html or css since around when the mobile web was in its infancy but by my understanding responsive websites don’t need to know the exact screen resolution to be responsive. You anchor elements to certain parts of other elements and some are anchored to certain regions of the screen and change the arrangement if there’s not enough space to fit them all on that axis
The browser window size is an easy way to fingerprint. You might be the only person viewing web content in a 1916x988 window who also has a certain font installed.
Yes, but that probably also prevents websites from adapting to your window size better.
So, I haven’t done any html or css since around when the mobile web was in its infancy but by my understanding responsive websites don’t need to know the exact screen resolution to be responsive. You anchor elements to certain parts of other elements and some are anchored to certain regions of the screen and change the arrangement if there’s not enough space to fit them all on that axis