Idaho teacher Sarah Inama is defying her school district’s order to remove classroom posters promoting inclusivity, including one stating, “Everyone is welcome here.”
The district claims the signs violate a policy requiring “content-neutral” decorations and argues that classrooms should be “distraction-free” environments.
Inama initially removed them but later rehung them, arguing the only opposing view to inclusion is exclusion.
Legal counsel upheld the district’s stance, giving her until the school year’s end to comply. Inama refuses, risking her job, and has received widespread support from the community and educators nationwide.
Can we get a location rule? Like [USA, Idaho] at the end of the title? We know it’s the USA, but it’d bw nice to know where. Also, state or country names when it’s just a city or town. Like I’m supposed to know if it’s Paris France or Paris Illinois.
As close as I could get. I couldn’t find in a brief search of the site if there was a staff lookup. But I’m pretty sure you can look up an licensed teacher if you know what state they’re in, which Is how I found that she’s licensed and active in that district.
I live nearby. Yes. West Ada School district in Ada county.
It’s in the summary but I agree with the sentiment. For example, there has been an influx of conservatives to Idaho (the one in the article) from neighboring states like California and Oregon which they believe have become too “liberal” makes sign of the cross. So location can be extremely useful for context as well as geography.
Might have held that back for retribution? School staffing is public knowledge, so it would take no time at all to find who and where this is.
It would have been smarter to use an alias and then at least give a district.
The article does state Idaho, but it bwould be nice to see if it’s relevant.