What age would you choose? Mentally you still keep growing and you keep your normal life span. Also, what age are you currently?
For me, I’d stay somewhere in my mid-30s. Not too young looking, but still able to do things. I’m currently in my mid-40s
Same but 34 exactly, here. At 35 one of my wisdom teeth started acting up, and I didn’t even become any wiser.
25, cause I started having arthritis symptoms at 26. I just wanna move my fingers fully again…
Ouch, I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this!
It’s not actively hurting me, but I don’t have full range of motion when grabbing things, my grip strength is way down, and it does hurt sometimes. It’s like an 80% it’s OK, 20% it sucks kinda bad type thing.
I am not a follower of Islam, but I have read some of the materials, and they said that in heaven everyone will be 30 years old.
That seems like a pretty decent age. Like you’re old enough to be an adult at 30, but you’re still young enough to be able to enjoy life if you didn’t have soul-crushing work to do.
Probably 36, best shape of my life. I’m 43 now and it’s not bad, gotta get back at it but I felt amazing in my body in my mid thirties.
21-24 probably. I love looking young :3
t. 24
About 28 or 29. I’m currently mid 30s and starting to have a bit less energy than I used to.
Felt like sometime after turning 30, something changed like a switch was flipped. Suddenly started gaining weight out of nowhere. Lol
I’d wanna go back to 22, currently almost 30. I developed a lot of health complications around 23-24, and 22 is the last time I remember my body not being in constant pain.
22, peak army physical fitness. After Iraq, my mental state made it very difficult to keep it up and that started the decline. I’m now 40, with back, feet, ankle and knee problems despite not being hugely overweight.
30, 31 in a month.
I’d back it up and lock it at 26.
I don’t think this requires TOO MUCH explanation
29, and I’m… uh… I stopped counting at forty.
At 29 I was done growing, used to my adult body, hadn’t yet developed some of my current bad habits, and still had a youthful metabolism.
23-27, that’s the age when I stopped feeling too young, but still had a serviceable amount of hair and could grow a good beard. Also I miss being horny. Late-thirties now.
It’s possible I haven’t reached it yet, being in my late 20’s. At least after the rest of my chest hair grew in sometime in the early 20’s. Furry nipples on a bare chest looks really dumb.
32, just before my metabolism slowed down, my muscles gave up and waved a little white flag, and without any warning at all, I was suddenly a fat bastard.
You meant to type 32, but by putting a full stop after it makes it look like “1.” on a lot of clients because of markup interpretation.
Thanks, fixed!
I actually think it would be cool to be in your 70s - you can still do most things and can mostly think straight but other people think you cannot and so they don’t bother pestering you.
18 - I thought I was fat because waifs were in style, but my body was actually banging. I’m 72. I would most of all appreciate being arthritis free, with major organs all working at optimum.
Look after your knees, people.