The French government is reportedly planning to send a “survival manual” to every household in the country with instructions on how to prepare for an “imminent threat” including armed conflict, a health crisis or a natural disaster.

If approved by François Bayrou, the prime minister, the 20-page booklet will be sent to households before the summer, French media reported.

It will be divided into three parts with advice on how to protect “yourself and those around you”, what to do if a threat is imminent – with a list of emergency numbers, radio channels and a reminder to close doors and windows if the threat is nuclear – and details of how to get involved in defending your community, including signing up for reserve units or firefighting groups.


    9 days ago

    In this context the Dutch government advised per 6th of March " Dutch government recommends citizens get 72-hour emergency kits: ‘civil defence must increase’"

    The French version sounds more comprehensive.

    Some weeks ago, there was an interview with the Dutch Minister of Internal Affairs, and he admitted to have been properly prepared for over a year.

    When asked why he had, he answered that since he was now more involved in the Government as a Minister, he had more knowledge of events, so to speak . Admittedly saying something without saying anything.