learn how to make and recover a windows backup. Then actually make a backup. (even if you dont switch, backups are amazing)
Test some Linux systems in a VM like VirtualBox to get a feeling which OS and desktop enviroment you like the most. Maybe start with Mint, Suse Tumbleweed & Ubuntu
See which Applications you need and if they run on Linux or if you need to get an alternative (like Office -> Libreoffice/SoftMaker)
If you play games with a kernel Anticheat like Valo you have to consider running a Windows VM or to look for an alternative. If booth options are not acceptible for you then :/
Make sure you can access everything like emails & co where you might have lost the 2 factor on the VM (at least i lost access to gmail a few months ago on the switch and its an absolute pain to get access back, luckely was not my main)
learn how to make and recover a windows backup. Then actually make a backup. (even if you dont switch, backups are amazing)
Test some Linux systems in a VM like VirtualBox to get a feeling which OS and desktop enviroment you like the most. Maybe start with Mint, Suse Tumbleweed & Ubuntu
See which Applications you need and if they run on Linux or if you need to get an alternative (like Office -> Libreoffice/SoftMaker)
If you play games with a kernel Anticheat like Valo you have to consider running a Windows VM or to look for an alternative. If booth options are not acceptible for you then :/
Make sure you can access everything like emails & co where you might have lost the 2 factor on the VM (at least i lost access to gmail a few months ago on the switch and its an absolute pain to get access back, luckely was not my main)