Finland is named the happiest country in the world for the eighth year in a row, according to the World Happiness Report 2025 published Thursday.
Other Nordic countries are also once again at the top of the happiness rankings in the annual report published by the Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Oxford. Besides Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden remain the top four and in the same order.
Country rankings were based on answers people give when asked to rate their own lives. The study was done in partnership with the analytics firm Gallup and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
When it comes to decreasing happiness — or growing unhappiness —the United States has dropped to its lowest-ever position at 24, having previously peaked at 11th place in 2012. The report states that the number of people dining alone in the United States has increased 53% over the past two decades.
What a load of shit, people complain openly all the time. Foreigners are even shocked when sometimes we’re too frank in answering "how are you doing
You think the ranking is bs because we realize that things are pretty good here? People say “can’t complain” because they are content with what they got and know things could be a lot worse. It’s not being emotionally stunted or some other bs, it’s the realization that things are pretty good here.
It’s funny, every time we do good in something there’s loads of these people who rush to say how it’s bs and how we actually suck. Now that’s the Finnish spirit.
It’s literally measuring contentedness, not happiness.
Saying “Finland is the happiest country in the world” is akin to those studies which say “one glass of wine gives you the benefits of a half hour at the gym” or smth. Completely misunderstood. Based in reality but strongly exaggerated.
It’s very different being un-discontented vs being “happy”
I agree that the name can be misleading because different people and different cultures view happiness differently. Life is good here, so we are content. But I disagree that we aren’t happy too, we’re just happy with fairly little. Some nice peace and quiet at the summer cabin, good sauna, that’s happiness.
Fuck right off with that shit. It’s the exact type of bullshit I’m talking about.
You just refuse to accept any fault in our systems and me criticising the systems which literally made people break my basic human rights and decency. For days without medication, a day without water. Completely fucking psychotic, drawing with my blood on the walls.
And afterwards, no-one wants to admit this happened. Not my family, not lawyers, not anyone.
But I’ve the proof, so…
Fuck your “Finnish dream” it’s a delusion
Nobody is saying the system is perfect, far from it (with people complaining on the reg), just that we have things a lot better than most places. Which makes it easy to be content and even happy. If recognizing that things are good and being happy with fairly little is a delusion, it’s a delusion I’m happy to have, along with a lot of other Finns.
It’s like with the corruption thing, when Finland was #1 people rushed to say how there’s still corruption in Finland. No shit, but it’s a ranking and it’s comparing to other countries. We just have less than most.
This sounds pretty personal.
You just won’t believe it.
It’s insane that I have to argue you about a thing existing which you’re giving the perfect textbook demonstration of.
No, it’s not “a lot better tham others [so the fact you got tortured doesn’t mean anything which is why it’s okay for me to. Completely ignore it]”
You’re doing the exact autistic denial bullshit that infects 98% of Finnish population
I mean, on all sorts of quality of life rankings and factors we’re almost always at the top. If there’s such a thing as on objectively good place to live, Finland seems to be one of them. Not sure what you feel like our ranking should be on QoL and what sort of places should rank higher.
If you’re very unhappy with life here then I can understand it being hard to believe that others are genuinely happy to live here. If 98% believe that it just might be that it’s not them who are in denial.
Literal refusal to even acknowledge the torture that happened.
You believe in things which don’t exist and refuse to believe in shit that exists, while saying that it’s not a problem that all Finns have that level or reality-escaping built into them.
You’re literally deluded worse than North Koreans.
You can not accept a single fault in Finland.
I like the country, which is why I despise cowards like you. Vitun paskahousu.
You’re living in a complete fucking fiction.
I have evidence and I can discuss reality — something which a coward like you is literally unable to even conceive.
I have no trouble seeing the faults in Finnish system. Again, nobody thinks we’re perfect, far from it. But I have no idea about your personal stuff wtf.
And this isn’t the first time you do this.
I be asserted this several times because I know my shit and what the study is actually about.
You alway come in to deny deny deny deny
EXACTLY the sort of willful ignorance
I’m sorry but I’m not sure what you are talking about here. Are you saying we had this conversation last year?
The lengths you will go to avoid seeing how the system in Finland literally TORTURED me for DAYS and NO-ONE CAN EVEN ACCEPT IT HAPPENED, LIKE YOU.
It’s beyond delusional.
What the fuck are you talking about, I have no idea who you are or what happened to you
Case in point.
Thanks for showing people rhe extent of your willful ignorance