Also known as local multi-device games. Are games that you can play by connecting to the same network and play with family. examples:

  • BombSquad
  • Juicy Realm
  • Rusted Warfare
  • Mindustry
  • UFO99
  • Krafteers
  • Mini Militia
  • ReCharge RC

Please tell me about any LAN game that you know of. Appreciate it.

    17 hours ago

    Most unrelated thread of the month!

    So I’m playing games like age of empires. But also open source alternatives like 0ad using lan. Works great!

    I’m talking the old school age of empires and age of mythology games btw.

    Next, there are also good need for speed games like need for speed 3 hot pursuit from 1998. Which works very well via lan.

    Maybe red alert also works, or open source alternatives like OpenRA. And then we have games like Planetary annihilation, which also have lan feature.