Or give the awards directly to the teams, and not to the companies.
Imagine if an actor won an Oscar for a movie role, but didn’t walk up on stage to get it because they were already working on another movie. Sounds asinine, right? So why is it accepted in the game dev community?
You right. I was talking to my partner the other day about the injustice of record labels taking the artists’ achievements as their own, putting the artists’ triple platinum record on their walls as if they did more than advertise. Authors too - some authors sign predatory contracts with publishers that completely castrate their earnings but the publisher gets rich. Creators of media, for the most part, get completely wrung dry unless they manage themselves. I’d say movies are one of the only sectors of the industry that don’t leech the artists as far as I know
Maybe we should be barring these companies that dump their teams after releasing a game from winning awards?
Or give the awards directly to the teams, and not to the companies.
Imagine if an actor won an Oscar for a movie role, but didn’t walk up on stage to get it because they were already working on another movie. Sounds asinine, right? So why is it accepted in the game dev community?
You right. I was talking to my partner the other day about the injustice of record labels taking the artists’ achievements as their own, putting the artists’ triple platinum record on their walls as if they did more than advertise. Authors too - some authors sign predatory contracts with publishers that completely castrate their earnings but the publisher gets rich. Creators of media, for the most part, get completely wrung dry unless they manage themselves. I’d say movies are one of the only sectors of the industry that don’t leech the artists as far as I know
We should. This is fucking bullshit exploitation.
Totally fair. Why should the business get the award when the people that made the thing that won the award no longer work for the business?