I was young and my cousin let me start over his save after he beat Pokemon Red. Saw the cute lil turtle and fell in love and have been playing ever since.
Collecting them all has always been a dream that is why I love the Pokemon Legacy rom hack series. It brings what I wanted in my childhood to life.
The folder called Legacy Games Full Documentation has stuff like Pokemon location list. What moves pokemon learn and all that useful stuff. It is completely ignorable.
And just in case you do want to do it yourself here is the creators GitHub page and youtube.
Your link works! Thanks for both the Dropbox and the GitHub. I’ll probably use your Dropbox to play but I like reading dev thoughts on their GitHub. And I am sure some who stumble on this post will probably prefer videos to show them how to do stuff.
I was young and my cousin let me start over his save after he beat Pokemon Red. Saw the cute lil turtle and fell in love and have been playing ever since.
Collecting them all has always been a dream that is why I love the Pokemon Legacy rom hack series. It brings what I wanted in my childhood to life.
I’m finding a few hacks called Pokémon Legacy, can you point me to the one you play?
There are three! Pokemon Yellow Legacy, Pokemon Crystal Legacy, and Pokemon Emerald Legacy.
I’m just gonna give you my DropBox link cause it is annoying to do it through the Github that the creator made.
You only need the folder called Legacy GBA Games.
Here is the DropBox link. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/z57gzo14sdj12u2lglv9d/ALwhHCM67ZEmzdLi7bxBLGE?rlkey=77a40nw4iugt9bmcfol3ckdq8&st=nxlugpi2&dl=0
Tell me if the link is working or not.
The folder called Legacy Games Full Documentation has stuff like Pokemon location list. What moves pokemon learn and all that useful stuff. It is completely ignorable.
And just in case you do want to do it yourself here is the creators GitHub page and youtube.
Your link works! Thanks for both the Dropbox and the GitHub. I’ll probably use your Dropbox to play but I like reading dev thoughts on their GitHub. And I am sure some who stumble on this post will probably prefer videos to show them how to do stuff.